Quote Originally Posted by Atarileaf View Post
Originally Posted by Jack_Burton_BYOAC
None. I love video games, and that includes the ugly, the janky, the uninspired, and the just plain weird.

You guys who are saying you'll never play the N64 again because of bad graphics. Jeez, you're giving me flashbacks to talking about the NES circa 1995-1996. People were saying the exact same things about systems 2 or more generations old back then too.

Never play the N64 or PlayStation again? This is the classic gaming board, right?

Again, I can't speak for others but graphics have nothing to do with my dislike for the N64 (although no, I don't care for the graphics of the 32 bit era) but as I already mentioned, for the most part the type of games being produced just didn't appeal to me. THAT'S why I don't care for the systems.

If you don't like the style or type of games, why play it?
It's perfectly reasonable to not like games of a certain generation. Look at cars over the years. Personally, I think nearly everything produced in the late 70's and 80's should be completely forgotten. It was a (really rough) transition period, and gave way to some of the great engine designs of today. Still, those cars sucked something fierce.

If there was a transition period for games, the 32-bit era was it (which isn't to say that I don't like the games from that generation. Quite the opposite).