In PSO's offline game, I think there's one environment you can play--the Forest. I don't think you can play anything BUT that, and you won't be getting any cool waepons or items. Its a total snore to play offline. If you get the game, get the adapter. Play the heck out of it for a month (because its free), and then if you don't like it, trade it all in, or sell it to someone else.

I personally canceled my subscription when I finished my free month, but then I recently re-upped, and now I'm hooked. Its all I play when I have the time. I don't have a keyboard, and I finally got fed up with not being able to talk to anybody, so I ordered a Datel one. Hopefully it doesn't suck.

Anybody know how playing with a Datel keyboard works? It doesn't have the cube controllers, like the ASCII boards do, so do you just plug it in to the second controller port, or what? I'm just curious.