So I just got the game two or three days ago and am loving it so far with the couple of hours I've put into it.

The only complaint thus far is that the combat is shallow. They may introduce new powers or new ways of attacking later but so far its pretty basic with only a basic kick attack (with gravity manipulation variation) and a throwing nearby objects attack. That and assigning dodge to swipe on the front touch screen instead of making it an option or just one of the face buttons is incredibly annoying. Its something that feels tacked on and I largely ignore it, which leave me getting hit often unnecessarily.

Everything else in the game though is fantastic. The music and art style in the game is great and suck you into the vaguely french steampunkish suspended city they've created. The cutscenes are all in a moving comic book format but use a pseudo-3D effect (like a picture in a picture in a picture to express depth) which I still find fun to play around with. The story is a basic amnesiac waking into a world they know nothing about, but its helped along with the characters and good dialog. The main character, Kat, is a young woman who isant overly heroric, serious, brooding or any other overused as character trait normally seen here. She is just has an optimistic attitude and helps people when she can while not being outright ditzy, something I find very refreshing.

The gravity manipulation mechanic leads to some of the most fun random exploring of the game world in recent memory. Its very simple, with a press of the R button you start to hover then using the analog stick and/or gyro controls you can chose where you want to "fall" and then with another press of R you will "fall" in that direction. You can do again and again to quickly change direction as long as you still have sufficient capacity in the gravity gauge. When hitting a solid object like a building in this mode that side becomes the "ground" and acts accordingly, like say you hit the north facing side of a building and walked toward the west facing side, you would "fall" off of the building in that direction. Its super fun to play with and I've spent a lot of time just playing with the mechanics of the game. The open world nature of the game lends itself to this very well to this exploration with side missions, story missions, and collectibles scattered randomly across the map.

Overall I have really enjoyed this game and recommend it to anyone who has a vita.

Anyone else picked it up, or have any thoughts?