Hey guys!

I've been planning to get the 3DS XL for while now, and as it turns out, I just ran into some cash. Only problem; The 3DS XL apparently does not come with a charger.
I do not have a DSi or a 3DS charger laying around. The pictures I've seen, however, it looks just like normal mini USB thingie.
Normal Mini USB: http://www.ever-brighter.net/upfile/20113211008200.jpg
3DS XL Charger: http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/...2937551746.jpg

Obviously, I would be saving myself 10-15€ if I can charge my 3DS XL with a mini usb cable, since I have dozens of those laying around the house. But I would rather not risk it. If anyone could just simply inform me if I seriously need the charger-charger, I would be very thankful.

Thanks in advance, guys. You are all awesome.