Remember when the Super Nintendo had Super Star Wars and Jurassic Park ? Back in those classic days, you'd see game companies license a movie property, and try to "re-create" that movie experience for the home game. With the power that modern day consoles have, wouldn't it be cool if they tried to "re-make" Star Wars as a video game ? How about Jurassic Park, or Aliens or Raiders of the Lost Ark ? How about Total Recall or Starship Troopers ? Why aren't any publishers getting these licenses and trying to "re-create" a classic movie ? The last time that this legitimately happened was Scarface and The Warriors.

When Telltale games got the Jurassic Park license, I got real excited for a second, hoping that eventually some other developer would get a crack at the Jurassic Park license. (no offense to Telltale, but point and clicks aren't my bag...)

I'm sure somebody will say that Gearbox is doing Aliens, so I should be happy, but as far as I know, they are doing an original story. I kinda want to see somebody follow the storyline of the movie as close as it would make sense to, and to also license the faces for the actors in the movie, and stuff like that. Use the actual soundtrack, etc, etc.

How about Predator or Terminator 2 ?

Just imagine if one of these movies really got the triple A treatment on either current or Next-Gen systems. I think it would be pretty awesome. I bought Super Star Wars the day that game released, and let me tell you, it was a very special experience playing that game on a home console. Sure, the game had it's share of problems (difficulty was set too high / one hit kills), but it had great graphics and great sound, and it gave you the "feel" of the movie. You have to judge those games for the time in which they came out, so you have to cut them some slack.