Hey, does anyone who if a non-portable commercial emulator like the Dingoo or Pandora exists? I know you can play these portable systems on your home TV, but I'd rather have something that looks something like a traditiona, sturdyl console while not paying extra for a small screen that mocks my near sightedness.

Also, because I know it is more than likely someone will recommend just hooking a computer up to my TV, is there a (Linux based or otherwise) operating system for computers with emulator friendly user interface (sorta like what the PSP has)? Basically, I want an interface that can be navigated with a controller hooked up to a usb port rather than using a keyboard and a mouse.

I apologize if I'm the only idiot in the retro community who hasn't heard of x product, but my Google Fu isn't helping me turn up any promising leads into this matter. As always, thanks for any help.