Turbo-CD/Ys 1&2 i remember egm buyers giving this game 10 out of 10 and at the time i can see why.When i got the TG16 cd-add on,after working a summer part time job and buying the game i was blown away by Ys 1&2 story and music.

NES/Super Mario Bros i played it in the arcades first as vs smb and being able to play at home was a big deal to me back in the 80's.

Atari 2600/Combat it being a pack in it saved me the trouble of having to play it at a friends house.

NES/Castlevania and Mega Man back in the 80's i borrow both games allot from a friend.Now he couldn't beat them but after many nights after school i was able to.

Sega Saturn Netlink Mostly because it was the first time i could play video games online.Spent allot of sleepless nights playing saturn bomberman and dukenukem 3D through it to.

That's all i can think of currently as i get older memory starts to get fuzzy.