The industry is too big, and too mainstream to collapse as it did in the early 80's, but I will say that there is an underlying evil that is brewing with this new generation of gaming. Now that I've had my Xbox One for awhile, I've noticed that Microsoft is interested in nickel and diming their customer at every possible juncture. Forza 5, as great a launch title that it might be, has microtransactions littered throughout the game, a full priced game no less.

This is a very disturbing trend. Full priced games, that still try to nickel and dime you at every opportunity. If this continues unabated, and gets even worse, it could actually push me away from modern gaming entirely.

Having said that, I'm an old dog when it comes to this industry. There is plenty of new blood out there that is growing up with F2P and Freemium and all that stuff, and they are more open to it. Personally, I prefer to pay a flat rate for my games, and be done with it. I don't want the constant pestering, and the unnecessary grinds that are added to the experience, to try to get me to pay $ to make them go away.

I thought that if I bought a game for the full $65 (after tax), that maybe I could play the game in peace, but that doesn't seem to be the case. This really is a disturbing trend, and it's much more in-your-face on the Xbox One, but I'm sure Sony will see what MS is doing and they will also try to nickel and dime their way as much as possible.

This crap is the only real threat to gaming imo, but again, like I was saying... I'm an old dog, and these tactics could get other old dogs like me to leave modern gaming with all the microtransactions to the young whipper snappers that have grown up with this model.