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Thread: What's the current state for Xbox 360 modding?

  1. #1
    Peach (Level 3) fluid_matrix's Avatar
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    Default What's the current state for Xbox 360 modding?

    Is there anything that's simple or plug-n-play that allows for backups/homebrew yet? I tried the xbox-scene forums, but they appear to be down, and have been for quite awhile apparently. I have a Kinect-release slim system and thinking about modding it finally.

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10) Rickstilwell1's Avatar
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    I would like to figure this out too. Maybe not in the short term but I am going to want one of these after the 360 is discontinued in X number of years. I also hope they learn to hack all PS3s instead of just the old ones after that system is discontinued too.
    [quote name='Shidou Mariya' date='Nov 17 2010, 10:05 PM' post='4889940']
    I'm a collector, but only to a certain extent.
    Not as extreme as Rickstilwell though.[/quote]

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