As video games become more and more like movies, Nintendo's refusal to use voice actors rather than text is baffling. I just came from Wal-Mart and my not quite literate six year old son had to have me read the text in the new WiiU Zelda game, which can't be a huge selling point for either parents of young children nor the children themselves. I know there are exceptions (Other M comes to mind), but they are the exception, unfortunately. Not using voice actors for flagship titles from such a large video game company is just cheap and, not to get on too much of a whining tangent, insulting. "We know hardcore Nintendo fans will buy ___ regardless of if we shell out money for voice acting, so why waste the money?"

Has this stuck out to anyone else? What reasons might the Big N have for this decision? For all of Nintendo's innovations they sure do stubbornly lag behind in more than a few areas of the industry.