Shouldn't this be in off-topic?
In the early 90s I would see pogs in the comic book shops, and I found them kind of depressing. I mean, they were just little cardboard discs that diverted money away from comic books and video games.
Shouldn't this be in off-topic?
In the early 90s I would see pogs in the comic book shops, and I found them kind of depressing. I mean, they were just little cardboard discs that diverted money away from comic books and video games.
Classic stuff! I was in the 5th grade when POGs hit it big. I still hve a pickle jar full of my pogs and slammers. Let's see what franchises I can rattle off having bought pogs for... Animaniacs, Simpsons, Wild CATS, Goosebumps, and I too was a big fan of the "retro" ones with the staple in them. I also had the POG maker and pretty much made custom pogs out of Sega Genesis game promo posters... I remember making them for Sonic 3, Virtua Racing, Jurassic Park, Ecco, and a bunch more.
Extremely random, but one of my favorites at the time had a picture of a cow sitting in an easy chair wearing reading glasses, and she's looking up from her newspaper with a confused look on her face, while saying, "MILK caps?" I once had two of it (red AND green variants!), but gave one to a friend.
I could start cataloging them, though it'd be kinda difficult, considering how generic and information-less a lot of them are. A lot of them are just random pictures with no date stamp, company name, or anything whatsoever. The easiest ones to find info on are the ones that come in sets like The Simpsons ones.
Oh I’m bad, I just brought back a thread from the crypt. You still have em anywhere? I don’t see the Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic card playing spiffs going for it. Beyblade versions maybe?
I approve of reviving ancient threads, so I'd just like to say that my favorite pogs were the Mega Man X ones that Nintendo Power gave away.
Buy a set before the price goes up 500 percent for no apparent reason.