So, I recently decided that I'm gonna make a semi-permanent setup with all of my computers soon. I plan on having a bit of everything from the 80s and might post pictures when I can get the room spruced up.

There's no real order, but I guess you can call the first table the "70s in the 80s Table." It has an Atari 800XL, Mattel Aquarius, and TI-99/4a on it. All are systems that either had their original version in the 70s or belonged there (Aquarius' nickname was "The System for the 70s despite its 1983 release.)

Second table was originally going to be Atari ST and Amiga 3000, but I decided to make it sort of an Apple vs. PC thing and put a IIGS next to a Tandy 1000.

Third table is a work in progress, but I suppose it could be called "Big in Europe." It's a VIC-20, C64, and ZX Spectrum+.

Fourth table will be themed as "The Misfits." On this one will be an MSX2, a Tomy Tutor and a Timex Sinclair 2068.

It's so nice to have them all setup at once, real fun when they're all on.