Hhheeeeeeeeelllllllllll yyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

This is exactly what I've been saying should have been happening for years: a KS-funded Shenmue 3. I'm glad Suzuki-san fought through the gauntlet which is negotiating in the Japanese business world to make this happen. It's a drawn out process where you must convince everyone you are their trusty friend and drinking buddy for the wheels of progress to even begin to move. All his sacrificing making who-cares mobile titles these last many years just to keep an expensive, dinky apartment in Tokyo for him to operate out of while negotiating to get this project rolling will all be worth it if the game gets funded. It's already at $1,625,048 the last time I looked - that $2M goal is in plain sight.

I really wish I had some spare money to contribute to this cause. Alas, it is all tied up in trying to found the inaugural G.A.M. Convention this year, and there's no time to spare to build up a Shenmue III fund in the meanwhile. But those pledge rewards are s-o-o-o-o good looking. I really wish I could pledge for the $300 or $500 ones. And that Shenhua capsule toy is extremely cute! Ugh, if only I could buy one for 100 yen!