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You keep wanting consumers to view LRG from a business perspective instead of from a customer's prospective, that's just not going to happen. Any business won't succeed just because consumers feel sorry for them, empathising with how hard it is to run a profitable business. Consumers support businesses as long as they feel they're personally getting sufficient value for what they're spending, while also feeling appreciated for being a customer. The exception for feeling appreciated is if the product is sufficiently priced lower than it's perceived value, as in being priced incredibly cheap. People buy things from soulless big box stores because they're the cheapest option, and will switch stores if another one becomes cheaper, because there's no loyalty to any particular store due to how impersonal customers are treated.
Even if everything you say about LRG is true, that they truly only care about their customers and are trying their best to meet demands at the lowest prices possible, that they aren't in any way greedy, etc, then they have a much different problem. Their marketing and PR is terrible. They're still coming across like they just care about making as much of a profit as they can and that's it, that their customers should be grateful just for the chance at obtaining one of their elusive products as we're all undeserving of them. Large corporations like Wal-Mart and Disney only care about profit but they still come across as cuddly and friendly because their marketing and PR is much better.
If there are issues or anything that could possibly be improved, those issues should be brought up. If people just stopped buying their products as you're suggesting("So don't buy the game") then that's money they'll be losing, and that would eventually lead to bankruptcy if enough of their customers stop buying from them. It's like when restaurants are just confused why they aren't getting customers anymore and just go out of business, rather than adapt by correcting issues and attracting customers again. It's not just the food or product they receive, but the pricing, and the customer service too. A restaurant can have amazing food but if the servers treat you like total garbage you still won't be eating there again. I welcome discussions here about everyone's opinion and experiences, not just positive-only posts about the company.
Also, I personally don't believe the angle that they're releasing games that just wouldn't otherwise get a release at all, at least not anymore. There are several other companies doing the same thing they are, if LRG wasn't licensing games for release then a different company would be doing it instead.