The best solution all around is probably to build a classic gaming rig. Many people conflate "classic" with "DOS" but there's plenty of early windows 3.1/95/98 games that there's no adequate way to run on modern systems, or which are more difficult to run modern. You'd be building convenience.

I built a comp I named Mazinkaiser. Its motherboard is an Epox 8KTA (700mhz AMD Duron, but it can handle Durons up to 1000mhz), 512mb of RAM, and a Soundblaster 16 in the ISA slot (being ISA is important because PCI soundcards will have trouble working in a native DOS environment) and a Voodoo 3. I've switched out the hard drive multiple times. The worst issue you'll have is Win98SE can't defrag or scandisk hard disks over 30gb but I've found ways around that (for example using an adapter to plug it into my laptop's USB slot and defrg it with Windows 7, or dual-boot WinXP on it).

So far its been awesome and has saved me lots of headaches. I tried to run Command and Conquer Gold Edition on my laptop.... wouldn't work even after following all the instructions on various websites and using all sorts of fan-made patches, but on Mazinkaiser its as simple as install then play. (Th freeware download edition may be altered to work on newer comps but its a big download and I have legit physical discs so why would I download it).

And if you need to, you can still run Dosbox on it and get benefits, including more playable game speeds on old RPGs like Ultima.

The only real issue I've had is recording footage but even then, I've found two ways.