I can't believe my eyes. Literally. Xenoblade X is impossible to fucking read. I was looking forward to this game expecting one of the best titles on the system, happy it came with the console I just bought. The subtitles during the opening cutscene looked normal. Those I could read. Then the game started... Holy fucking shit I need a microscope to see this. I am even using a Trinitron WEGA at 720p via HDMI and kanji look like white blocks basically. Even the simple kana characters are frustrating to read! This flaw is not tolerable whatsoever; it's unacceptable and renders the game unplayable. Not even 30 minutes in I'm TRYING to understand combat, hopelessly staring at the text captioning the icons below... I have no idea what anything does because no words are legible. I've already given up and decided to try to sell the game to someone who has the eyes of a fucking eagle that can read kanji that are only 6 pixels in height. Trying to play using only the game pad screen was equally futile. They say this game is many many hours of content; I'm worried I'll fuck up my eyesight trying to play this game even 1 hour.

There are threads on GameFAQs and a few other small places on the web where people are saying the same thing about this game. I don't know why there has not been a patch to the game; is it just not possible to change something like this or do they just not care? I read somewhere that this was Monolithsoft's first title in HD and it was a mistake on their part. That's it? We're sorry, oh well, good luck reading the text? I've seen comments from people using 40+ inch HDTVs at 1080p and still can't read -- and those people are using the English version! English has much simpler letters than Japanese kanji. I remember staring at the mini-guide of controller buttons below the mini-map. I couldn't read a damn thing in kanji, and the words in katakana I could barely figure out. It should not take me 10+ seconds to read the word ダッシュ for example.

Here's someone who clearly feels the same way, and note this video is about the English version too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6_0xWhaxc4

I will give the benefit of the doubt to all positive reviews for this game. It probably is as awesome as they say. I just wish I could read the text so I could find out for myself.

I looked up a Japanese video of Xenoblade on the original Wii. All the text there looks like it's a sensible size. I mean I could read it watching it as a youtube video on my phone. Wish they kept the UI scale of text the same for the sequel.