I have a few more valuable priced games and toys I'd like to get out of my hands. If anyone is interested let me know.

Prices are more or less firm.

$130 - Gun-Nac (outer laminate ripped, under label fine, great otherwise) with sleeve
$130 - PS4 Retro City Rampage DX SEALED with Fangamer bonus untouched too
$90 - 1989 GI Joe Sgt Slaughters Marauders - Armadillo Tank -- Brand new, tape blown out on one side due to age, all bagged up from the factory still
$30 - MASK Bulldoze semi truck/tank -- has all the parts except the driver (optional?) and the little orange missile for the launcher

I also have some new stuff up on racketboy too if anyone cares to take a peek:

3DS Zelda w/guide(link between worlds, not OOT) and Smash Bros like with 2-3 hours use on each as I disliked them a lot, Famicom game Armadillo, SNES BustAMove w/manual and Great Circus Mystery, N64 Hydro Thunder and Gauntlet Legends w/manual, Game & Watch manuals (2), a crap load of old handheld games for LCD, LED, and any variant of the Gameboy.

I just want this stuff gone, but I don't want to let it go cheap enough for a flipper. I'll deal a bit, obviously no ebay fees here, and deal more with more stuff picked up.