I haven't really played much of anything lately. I recently got an Everdrive for the NES and I played a little bit of Castlevania 2. It's a hacked version with better translation, an actual save mode and a map screen. Tuesday I replaced the thumbsticks on my Wii U pad and tested play with Zelda:Breath of the Wild. I had to start over as my third eldest stepson played on my account as I didn't know you could have multiple profiles. He beat the game so now it's my turn.

I did try playing Zelda:Skyward Sword on emulation with a gamepad. Paaaaaiiiinnnnn in the rear. I'm going to try to link a Wiimote to my laptop and see how that goes.

The only other game related thing I've been playing around with is NESMaker. I'm learning it genre by genre and right now I'm learning the "action platformer" (think maybe Bubble Bobble meets Donkey Kong-you can jump through platforms but walk on them and climb ladders). That's been interesting. Will I actually make a game? Who knows?