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Thread: Thinking of getting rid of some Store Display Kiosks, wondering about prices

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Thinking of getting rid of some Store Display Kiosks, wondering about prices

    Thinking about getting rid of 2 store Kiosks and wondered if anyone had any ballpark prices I should think about. I have had both for over 10 years and never even plugged them in (Plan to try some testing). Thanks

    SNES Kiosk that looks to sit on a counter but I have seen some attach to a base. It is missing the monitor and I don't have the key, Game may be NFR Donkey Kong but I don't remember off top of my head.

    Sega Genesis Kiosk that also looks to sit on the counter. It has the TV but missing the key. Game is a NFR Jurassic Park

  2. #2
    Kirby (Level 13) Tanooki's Avatar
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    I dont know any hard core specifics, but I will say this much. Not having the key will hurt a little as someone will have to pay to get that picked or drilled out and replaced/rekeyed. But the big one would be not having the original screen for a collector. If it's a gamer/collector not so much as someone would likely be happy having a low ms display lag LCD on there all the same. Also without pics, at least SNES side, it's hard to say as well not seeing the clear plastic cover let alone if the system has yellowed at all.

    NintendoAge would be your definitive best guess on that in all seriousness.

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