Skepticism about this project I understand, but I don't get the hate and anger either. I mean, nobody was forced to put any money down for it. Don't like what you see? Then don't give it a cent and move on. You haven't been slighted by the mere existence of the project. But this is what modern times are all about. Everybody is divisive and raging about everything, and gamers in particular are, or have become, some of the most hateful malcontents I've come across. I know a ton of people who like retro and modern games just the same as me but won't refer to themselves as "gamers", not anymore at least, just because it has such a negative connotation now that they don't want to associate with. I remember when gamers used to get online to talk to other gamers about what they loved and were excited about and, generally, what brought them joy. Now gaming discussion is mostly people just talking about what they dislike ad nauseam. Having a baby and having a lot less time for interacting with people online has honestly been great for me.