Mortal Kombat looked a little better on Genesis (and still had all the ballyhoo about blood intact), but seemed to play better (from a input standpoint, the response seemed much more in-sync with button presses) with SNES for some reason. It didn't make much sense then, it doesn't really make sense now.

That's about I've played first-hand on both. I've played a couple of things that turned out to be different animals on different consoles, like the aforementioned Aladdin games (Genesis was very damn good, but I like the SNES version better). NBA Jam is something I've only played on Genesis, MK3 on SNES, a couple of others I can't remember.

Locally, you picked one console and stuck with that as far what you had. Your buddy down the street picked the other and you went to their house or vice versa if you wanted to play the other console, and everybody stuck to exclusives for the most part. Prepubescent pragmatism at its finest.