Quote Originally Posted by Koa Zo View Post
Phantasy Star II ~ had no idea about specific release dates, it was supposedly "out" but no stores had it in stock. Finally an Electronics Boutique opened and they said they had it but it was sold out (I was directed to Thunder Force III instead, good recommendation!) Restock took months it seemed like.

Panzer Dragoon Saga ~ info was scarce it seemed. Toys R Us had the flip card display but no copies for sale... Babbages and EB said it was sold out. The next issue of EGM or whatever had an ad for it - why would they advertise if it was sold out?... but no one had it... Then finally it was restocked. ...and I got it for $29.99

Eternal Champions CD Challenge From the Dark Side ~ release date kept getting bumped back, just one release date after another, seemed like it was never going to come out. I went to the store too many times asking for that one.

Magic Knight Rayearth (US Saturn) ~ another game where the release date was set numerous times, seemed like it was never going to come out.
I specifically remember Eternal Champions getting pushed back. I actually used to call Funco Land every time it was supposed to get released, and I think it took about 3-4 phone calls until they actually said they had it. I can't remember how long the wait was between original release date and actual release date though.