I pulled the trigger on the X360E. No accessories but it looked clean and had the 500GB hard drive. The price sticker was $20, which is a good price if the thing actually works. If not, cash goes to a good cause.

I took it to a local game store who had a power supply for it. The dude plugged it in and the machine powered up! It read discs, the old user's profiles were there and it hummed along just fine. The clerk felt around the vents and said the machine was blowing air pretty well. He asked how much I paid for it and I told him. He just hung his head "they NEVER have that kind of stuff when I go there".

"Typically they don't when I go either. A couple weeks ago they had some 3DS systems going for $150." I didn't tell him about the PS3 Slims.

I was able to buy the power supply with store credit and he threw in a Kinect for free. I have controllers at home so total price: $35.

Now to get this sucker hooked up, wiped and log in with my old profile. I will FIND time to play it, dang it!