I went to a local GameXchange and bought No More Heroes III and The Nonary Games for the PS4. Can't Drive This came in from Amazon a couple days ago, and Hell Warders was bought earlier this week at a Movie Trading Company.
I went to a couple other shops but didn't buy anything. One of which was a game store called The Gaming Vault in far northern Fort Worth, TX that also sells Pokemon cards and other collectible playing card games. Turns out the night before they were broken in to. Smashed the glass front door out, smashed the glass cases, grabbed all the individual Pokemon cards and packs of the more valuable stuff. Didn't touch the video games. And apparently whoever did this hit six other local tabletop game stores the same way over the past few nights. I remember when people would do a smash and dash on video game stores for actual video games (a game store in Duncanville in the SNES/Genesis days was broken into three times before they closed for good), now it's all about tabletop stuff. It's sad to see my hobby isn't even worth the bother to criminal sh!tbags nowadays.