Really this question is for any major company still producing consoles and any series but Im using a well known example.

Say Nintendo announced that the sequel to Breath of the Wild would be an EXCLUSIVE to the Nintendo 64.

1) How much would the game cost?

2) Would stores carry it? And if so, which ones? What section would they carry it in since its divided between Switch, X1, and PS4 right now.

3) What would consumer reaction be?

4) Would the prices of used N64s skyrocket?

5) Would Nintendo start manufacturing N64 consoles in order to meet demand?

6) How fast would it sell out?

7) Critics' reactions?

8) Reactions of young fans of the series who may have only played Zelda on newer consoles?

9) Would it be pirated? Would people put this game on their Ever Drives like they do with everything else?

10) Would other companies follow suit?

11) Would there be renewed interest in N64 games in general (moreso than now)?

12) What kind of warranty would there be?

13) Could/would it lead to a future where new games are produced on old hardware and compete against the Switch?

I know there's a snowballs chance in Hell of this happening but itd be interesting to see what would happen. Id love an N64 sequel to Majora's Mask or OoT