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Thread: Need help doing something good with the help of video games

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Need help doing something good with the help of video games

    I have a friend who had absolutely terrible couple of years, battling (and adjusting to) a new disability as well as dealing with resulting personal and financial issues (unemployment, divorce). I haven't seen this dude excited about anything for the longest time, even things he likes (including video games, our shared hobby) don't give him any joy anymore. For these reasons, it was beyond encouraging to see him so excited about Forza Horizon 5. It was the first time I saw him interested in anything in a very long time.

    I did what I could to help him run FH5 on his laptop, but no use... it's too old. So my next idea was to buy him a used Xbox One S & game pass as a gift. Unfortunately, I've been checking local auction sites for weeks now and I cannot find one that meets my budget and criteria of not being busted (things aren't so great for me financially either since COVID hit).

    I know this is a long shot, but I thought maybe someone in Europe frequenting these forums, recently upgraded to Series S|X and is looking to get rid of some variant of XBONE (and wouldn't mind doing some good for the holidays). I'm willing to pay of course, just maybe not as much as you would get on an auction site.

    To mods: if this is against the rules please remove.

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    well we all cope in different ways. for me, it's socializing. of I spend too much time in a box by myself, i dont care how awesome a video game is, its still gonna depress the sh*t out of me. I think finding others who share a passion and hanging out with them or even just texing does wonders and best of all, its free

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the advice. I think you're right about that. I try to make time for my friend, and maybe just hanging out with him is more important than any material thing I can offer him. That being said, I never expected the Forza Horizon game to be the solution to all of his problems - just something nice he might enjoy.

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    Did it work out for you guys with the game and the Xbox?

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