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Thread: E-Shop for 3DS and Wii-U to be closed by 2023

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    So game collecting will go back to how we collected games when we first got into collecting? I'm not exactly finding a huge problem with that as it's how I've been collecting for the last 20 years.

    As for download only games, I'm sure people will find ways to still play these games in the future. Just as people used to emulate old console games before official virtual console options existed. There just may not be a paying option to accomplish it.

    Are you worried that your Wii U will stop working? Apparently some consoles are dying now because they were made using faulty flash memory, the firmware becomes corrupt and the consoles stop working.
    Some one will find a fix for it.

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    Dude, I don't have time for a wall of fragmented, piecemeal responses that try to remove the context of each line. That's not how normal people communicate.

    I'm not telling you to buy something you don't want. You're the one who quoted me to argue against what I had said (that it's unfortunate that many Virtual Console releases are now only available legally via their original cartridge release). How is it so hard to grasp that other people want things that you personally may not be interested in, and why is it bad to you to support them having access to those things? In what way am I supporting a digital-only future? Simply by very rarely buying digital releases? I prefer to buy physical whenever I reasonably can. Nintendo is not going to know or care if I drop $300 for an Earthbound cart on eBay. And when I bought the Virtual Console version on 3DS, that didn't make the physical copies vanish into thin air, nor is it going to make bootleggers stop making repros for those who want a physical copy without paying the cost of an authentic cart. So how exactly does a digital release of a retro game harm anything? Because Nintendo sure as hell isn't about to manufacture new official SNES carts no matter how the Virtual Console sales go (and the repros from Limited Run Games and the like are only half-legit at best because they're not authorized by Nintendo, so it's actually more legit buying VC releases). Boycotting VC releases accomplishes absolutely nothing. And I'm talking about old games because that's literally what I was talking about in what you quoted. If you're trying to shift goalposts and make this about something else, that's your own problem, but don't shove words into my mouth. If you actually read the posts that you quote, you should well know that I always support and encourage new games getting physical releases. I don't know what imaginary person you think you're arguing with.

    And this topic is literally solely about the the 3DS and Wii U eShops closing. In other words, solely about digital releases (some digital-only, many not). If you hate digital releases so much, what is the purpose and value of you posting in this topic? You don't even like modern gaming in general, yet you repeatedly come into this section just to bitch and complain in every topic. What's the point? Just to piss on everybody's parade? Do you not have better things to do with your life?
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 04-04-2023 at 11:32 AM.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron 2.0 View Post
    Some one will find a fix for it.
    I hope so, I don't want consoles to just die out. I may not be interested in many Wii U games but the hardware itself seems interesting. Basically it's how I view the original Wii as well, mostly useful or fun to mess around with if modded or hacked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    Dude, I don't have time for a wall of fragmented, piecemeal responses that try to remove the context of each line. That's not how normal people communicate.
    I tend to separate text in an attempt to keep posts from becoming too bloated, I am not trying to remove the context.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    I'm not telling you to buy something you don't want. You're the one who quoted me to argue against what I had said (that it's unfortunate that many Virtual Console releases are now only available legally via their original cartridge release). How is it so hard to grasp that other people want things that you personally may not be interested in, and why is it bad to you to support them having access to those things? In what way am I supporting a digital-only future? Simply by very rarely buying digital releases? I prefer to buy physical whenever I reasonably can. Nintendo is not going to know or care if I drop $300 for an Earthbound cart on eBay. And when I bought the Virtual Console version on 3DS, that didn't make the physical copies vanish into thin air, nor is it going to make bootleggers stop making repros for those who want a physical copy without paying the cost of an authentic cart. So how exactly does a digital release of a retro game harm anything? Because Nintendo sure as hell isn't about to manufacture new official SNES carts no matter how the Virtual Console sales go (and the repros from Limited Run Games and the like are only half-legit at best because they're not authorized by Nintendo, so it's actually more legit buying VC releases). Boycotting VC releases accomplishes absolutely nothing. And I'm talking about old games because that's literally what I was talking about in what you quoted. If you're trying to shift goalposts and make this about something else, that's your own problem, but don't shove words into my mouth. If you actually read the posts that you quote, you should well know that I always support and encourage new games getting physical releases. I don't know what imaginary person you think you're arguing with.
    So this is how I should reply? Throw together around a dozen different points together in a single wall of text with no formatting whatsoever? You consider this easier to read?

    First, I never said that it's good that the Virtual Console shop has closed. I do disagree with business practices behind how the shop was structured, but I'm not happy it's closed down(I'm not sad either). I might as well quote the whole paragraph you wrote as you're claiming I took it out of context.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    This is also the end of the Virtual Console service. Pretty sizable run from 2006 to 2023. I'm sad to see it go, since I much prefer the idea of a one-time purchase than having to pay a subscription. Plus, there's so much that appeared on the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U via Virtual Console that isn't available on Switch. So many of these games are going back to only being available legally via old secondhand physical copies.
    You make it sound like you're about to cry over the closure, like mourning a dead child.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    So game collecting will go back to how we collected games when we first got into collecting? I'm not exactly finding a huge problem with that as it's how I've been collecting for the last 20 years.

    As for download only games, I'm sure people will find ways to still play these games in the future. Just as people used to emulate old console games before official virtual console options existed. There just may not be a paying option to accomplish it.
    My reply was to say that it's closure is almost irrelevant and doesn't matter either way. Games are still available as they were physically, and otherwise will still be available to play digitally through other means. Why be so upset when the games will still be easy enough to obtain? Of course you replied to this by jumping down my throat.

    I suppose I can briefly address some other points from your wall of text. With Earthbound, Nintendo rereleased the game in Japan on the GBA, there's no need to ever rerelease it physically here if people happily paid $10 for a download only copy. I do believe if people were unwilling to pay for digital releases then we would be getting actual physical releases. I don't expect Nintendo to start manufacturing new SNES carts but games would get rereleased on whatever the current console available is.

    Of course people want other things that I don't. The main thing I've learned is that most people are gladly willing to give up their privacy and consumer rights for extra convenience. You're right, me boycotting VC releases accomplishes absolutely nothing, at this point I'm just sticking to my principals. And yes, you are still supporting a digital-only future by very rarely buying digital releases, because it's not just you but also millions of other people like you who are doing the same. It wasn't too long ago that consumers backlashed against Xbox One when games were originally supposed to be tied to DRM(and also regarding privacy, the Microsoft staff listened in on consumer conversations through the Xbox One), yet now the PS5 is available without a disc drive and people are fine with DRM filled games. In another generation or two there won't be any consoles available with a disc drive or cart slot, there will only be a digital download version. Once games are fully streamable instead of dowloadable to an individual console, there won't be any preservation either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    And this topic is literally solely about the the 3DS and Wii U eShops closing. In other words, solely about digital releases (some digital-only, many not). If you hate digital releases so much, what is the purpose and value of you posting in this topic? You don't even like modern gaming in general, yet you repeatedly come into this section just to bitch and complain in every topic. What's the point? Just to piss on everybody's parade? Do you not have better things to do with your life?
    I posted in this topic to have a discussion, which is the purpose of a discussion forum. I would happily post in other topics if there were any additional posts in other sections to reply to, but of course this forum is mostly dead with little discussion at all. I actually like some aspects of modern gaming like various Switch releases, I just don't own a Switch because I can't afford to at this point. The console basically feels like the DS, a large selection of good games of various genres and various developers both large and small.

    Of course, there is something you said which is why I replied to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    The end is nigh. Anybody else making some last-minute purchases before both eShops close tomorrow? I don't have a Wii U myself, but I do have some funds on my 3DS that I need to spend. I added the funds with a Nintendo gift card prior to them disabling that option and spent most of what I had a while back, but I've been waffling on what to do with the last 16-some bucks on there. I'll probably grab a couple of games from Level-5's Guild series, but there is a nice Capcom sale going on. Nice discount on Gurumin 3D too, but I played through that on PSP just recently. I wish more publishers were doing a last-minute sale, but I guess they figure FOMO will make people buy even at full price.

    It is still possible to add funds if you want, but I don't know the exact details of it. I've never made a Nintendo Network ID, but if you have one and link your system to it, you can add funds online or via Switch or whatever and then those funds will be available on your linked 3DS/Wii U as well. Sometime like that. If I'm getting any of the specifics wrong, feel free to correct me.

    This is also the end of the Virtual Console service. Pretty sizable run from 2006 to 2023. I'm sad to see it go, since I much prefer the idea of a one-time purchase than having to pay a subscription. Plus, there's so much that appeared on the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U via Virtual Console that isn't available on Switch. So many of these games are going back to only being available legally via old secondhand physical copies.
    Honestly that's the general modern consumer attitude I really dislike, not just with video games. You outright say you feel the publishers are gouging consumers using FOMO to extract as much money as possible from them, then immediately mention how people can give their money to these publishers. Why would any consumer choose to reward this behavior? You're mostly bothered with this digital storefront closure because you're not able to give businesses your money, not because you can't access these old games anymore through some other means(legal or not). It's not just you but with most consumers today. People are happy to get less and pay more, even if some complain they mostly don't change their spending habits so businesses don't change their policies either. I just don't get this mentality. Businesses used to cater to consumers to attract their business, now consumers go out of their way giving money to a business just to "support the industry" or "support the economy" no matter how they're treated. I just don't get it. And as businesses cater to the majority to maximize profit, I end up affected by other peoples' preferences and spending habits, which is why I care.

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    My posts are formatted. It's called a paragraph. You know, a cohesive series of thoughts, with one sentence leading into and connected to the next, taking into consideration the full context of the posts in this thread. The way the vast majority of the posts on this forum have been written on this forum in its 20+ years of existence. Because most people aren't like robots who communicate in disjointed bullet points. When people quote things line by line, they're usually in the middle of a heated argument and are trying to get a gotcha by removing context, which is exactly what you do when you respond to a single line, disregarding every line before and after it. Saying it's to avoid bloat is laughable because a massive wall of quotes and responses is many times longer than a single paragraph or two.

    It's also laughable to suggest I seemed like I was about to cry over the end of the Virtual Console service. But to compare my reaction to mourning a dead child? That's flat out disgusting and despicable.

    So you want to gatekeep legal retro gaming, guilt and shame people who buy digital games, and expect others to have the same total indifference to the closure that you feel. I get it. To someone who appears to approach this hobby from a totally self-centered place, maybe my posts are a mystery to you, but it's called trying to be helpful and considerate of other gamers. I bumped this topic to give people here a heads-up about the closure, I brought attention to good discounts, even though I didn't get them myself, and I mentioned adding funds was still possible because others might still have wanted to get something and earlier posts made it seem as if it was already impossible at that point. I'm not going to tell anybody how they should or shouldn't spend their money. Even if I think a company is banking on FOMO, who cares? That's my opinion and only affects my purchasing decisions. It's not going to make me hide information that I feel could be helpful to others because, shock and awe, I actually like sharing my hobby with others and helping them find and obtain games they want, just as others have done for me for decades. Hobby-based communities should be about camaraderie, not being petty and shitting on people for buying/wanting games you think they shouldn't. But there's no reasoning with people who have a zero-sum mentality. It's like the guys who turn blue in the face over otome games existing because they believe resources going to otome games means fewer male-targeted games for them to buy. It all boils down to people thinking nothing but things that serve them deserve to exist.

  5. #25
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    I'm surprised that you replied as it's been several weeks. As you've said this topic was for the e-shop, which is now closed, and you've bumped it up after several weeks just to insult me again. I'm mostly surprised as you've just PMd me an official infraction for "flaming", yet that seems to be why you just posted here again. It seems a bit hypocritical.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    My posts are formatted. It's called a paragraph. You know, a cohesive series of thoughts, with one sentence leading into and connected to the next, taking into consideration the full context of the posts in this thread. The way the vast majority of the posts on this forum have been written on this forum in its 20+ years of existence. Because most people aren't like robots who communicate in disjointed bullet points. When people quote things line by line, they're usually in the middle of a heated argument and are trying to get a gotcha by removing context, which is exactly what you do when you respond to a single line, disregarding every line before and after it. Saying it's to avoid bloat is laughable because a massive wall of quotes and responses is many times longer than a single paragraph or two.
    To say that quoting a single sentence or two takes less space than quoting an entire paragraph or two...I'll just disagree with that.

    I've often broken down quotes for discussion on various topics since I've started posting here around 15 years ago, including mostly positive discussions. It's not to remove context as you're claiming. Feel free to check, I mostly remember doing this in a cartoon discussion thread in off topic. Plenty of other forum members here do the same, again often when posting positively.

    Your paragraph I called a wall of text was 309 words long. It's actually considered bad form when a paragraph is over 200 words. If you don't believe me, here's some tips on better writing.

    Also, it's considered proper to start a new paragraph when a new idea or point is mentioned. Again, I'll post a link as I'm sure you don't believe me.

    When you mentioned that the gaming industry doesn't exist just to serve my tastes(just to be condescending), this paragraph has several different points and it's 226 words long. Specifically you mention accessibility to purchasing games, vulnerabilities to physical media, and costs of video games which are different points and could be discussed and replied to separately, which is what I chose to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    So you want to gatekeep legal retro gaming, guilt and shame people who buy digital games, and expect others to have the same total indifference to the closure that you feel. I get it. To someone who appears to approach this hobby from a totally self-centered place, maybe my posts are a mystery to you, but it's called trying to be helpful and considerate of other gamers. I bumped this topic to give people here a heads-up about the closure, I brought attention to good discounts, even though I didn't get them myself, and I mentioned adding funds was still possible because others might still have wanted to get something and earlier posts made it seem as if it was already impossible at that point. I'm not going to tell anybody how they should or shouldn't spend their money. Even if I think a company is banking on FOMO, who cares? That's my opinion and only affects my purchasing decisions. It's not going to make me hide information that I feel could be helpful to others because, shock and awe, I actually like sharing my hobby with others and helping them find and obtain games they want, just as others have done for me for decades. Hobby-based communities should be about camaraderie, not being petty and shitting on people for buying/wanting games you think they shouldn't. But there's no reasoning with people who have a zero-sum mentality. It's like the guys who turn blue in the face over otome games existing because they believe resources going to otome games means fewer male-targeted games for them to buy. It all boils down to people thinking nothing but things that serve them deserve to exist.
    This paragraph is 284 words, but fine I'll keep it quoted all together even though it's still bad form and difficult to read as it's too long.

    You said you were trying to be helpful, which is the same reason I posted that even when the shop closes down there will be ways to access those games. They won't be lost media or completely unavailable. Not everyone would know that was possible, I didn't know until recently that 3DS modding was possible and e-shop games were otherwise available for access, when I last looked years earlier it wasn't possible and it looked like the various e-shop only games would disappear once the store eventually closed. You didn't make any mention of this option, and it's actually important for game preservation. It's basically how abandonware was treated for years in terms of preservation. When did I tell you to hide information? When did I specifically tell people to outright boycott the e-shop? I only mentioned another possible option after the shop would close down and become unavailable.

    The way this thread was heading, it looked like various posters were upset about the closure and scrambling to make last minute purchases, worried that games would become completely unavailable. I'll admit, I did partially find this funny as the shop has been open for almost 12 years so there was plenty of time for anyone to get all the games they really wanted(the main reason to my indifference), but I could see some last minute purchases happening. In any case I didn't see why there would need to be such sadness over the closure by so many posters so I pointed out that the games would still be available otherwise(the second reason to my indifference), as I'm sure not everyone would know about this.

    You responded with a condescending post. You caught me in a bad mood so I replied back fully voicing my opinions on digital downloads, instead of simply ignoring your post as I probably should have. Of course each time you replied back you directly attacked me, not just my opinions, while I almost exclusively replied to your opinions rather than directly insult you. I did criticise you directly a few times after you insulted me, and I don't see why not when you started pot shots at me. You say I only come into modern gaming to "bitch and complain in every topic" and implied I must not have a life. Maybe you don't read enough posts in modern gaming, the most recent posts in modern gaming I've made were positive like talking about PAPETURA. Even before I posted here in this thread after you initially bumped it, I posted positively about Beyond Shadowgate which looks very promising. I'll admit I was also happy to see an entire thread created just to complain about certain digital download issues as I'm clearly not alone in my opinions, yet you didn't post in that thread to criticise anyone, only me here.

    As for your point on purchasing decisions, you're right that anyone can spend their money however they want. I just interject with further information so those decisions can be made fully informed. If someone is going to make a purchase and I know the same item is priced lower or on sale elsewhere, I'll at least mention it to the purchaser so they're aware of their options. Same if I know an item is poor quality or problematic as I've used it myself, I'll mention this to others as well. Or if something is out of print and expensive, but I know there's an announcement of an upcoming re-release, I'll mention that too.

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    I like that a third of this thread is a discussion on syntax and not the e-shop.

    My favorite part of the shutdown was that Completionist clown trying to win free e-points by dropping $1500+ to create and archive of all the Shop titles. Over half the comments at the time were people pointing out that everything from the 3DS shop all the way back to the Wii Shop had been archived two years before hand and was up (at the time) on the Internet Archive.

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    If he wants to spend his money buying every game, I don't see why you need to make fun of him for it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SparTonberry View Post
    If he wants to spend his money buying every game, I don't see why you need to make fun of him for it.
    Well, firstly, it's more making fun of why he did it more than it being done at all. And the reason was an ill-conceived bid for more up doots. Secondly, he's a public entertainer slash talking head. When you make your money being a clown on camera, you don't get to call foul when people laugh. Particularly so when the laughing is caused by, as I said, an ill-conceived bid for doots.

    And yes, he is of course free to spend his money as he wishes.

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    The closure will be happening in April 2024.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JSoup View Post
    The closure will be happening in April 2024.
    I heard about recently hopefully later on maybe some one can setup a private server for online play.Hey it happen with the wii when it's network was shutdown.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron 2.0 View Post
    I heard about recently hopefully later on maybe some one can setup a private server for online play.Hey it happen with the wii when it's network was shutdown.
    Servers already exist for select games. You'll need to Google the titles you're interested in for yourself. A server for that badge game went up just a few weeks after it officially went offline.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JSoup View Post
    Servers already exist for select games. You'll need to Google the titles you're interested in for yourself. A server for that badge game went up just a few weeks after it officially went offline.
    Nice !!

  14. #33
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    Hey, it’s something.

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    Yeah, we got what we gots. Most games aren't going to be a major issue with modified online or jury-rigged single player. That badge game, for example, has most of it's gocha elements striped out because of how it works. If that's why you liked it, you're out of luck. Different games will act in different ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JSoup View Post
    My favorite part of the shutdown was that Completionist clown trying to win free e-points by dropping $1500+ to create and archive of all the Shop titles. Over half the comments at the time were people pointing out that everything from the 3DS shop all the way back to the Wii Shop had been archived two years before hand and was up (at the time) on the Internet Archive.
    Quote Originally Posted by SparTonberry View Post
    If he wants to spend his money buying every game, I don't see why you need to make fun of him for it.
    Don't feel too bad about making fun of the Completionist, it seems the charity he was running was a scam as in the over 10 years of collecting donations, not one penny was actually donated to any charity. He just kept all the money in an account.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    Don't feel too bad about making fun of the Completionist, it seems the charity he was running was a scam as in the over 10 years of collecting donations, not one penny was actually donated to any charity. He just kept all the money in an account.
    Now this he's going after karl jobst for slander.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron 2.0 View Post
    Now this he's going after karl jobst for slander.
    I saw that video. This will be interesting to keep track of, almost another Billy Mitchell.

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    Lol, I don’t know where this thread went. But a lot of eshop stuff still available in original format.

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    So, the shop is completely closed forever as of now.

    If you never got around to modding your Wii U/3DS, here's a new open source network to bring the shops and stuff back:

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    Quote Originally Posted by JSoup View Post
    So, the shop is completely closed forever as of now.

    If you never got around to modding your Wii U/3DS, here's a new open source network to bring the shops and stuff back:
    Yeah i was about to mention that private server.

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