Hello, everyone.
Lately I've been working on modifying the AGT text game engine. Here are some of the modifications:
Hello again.
During the winter, with all of the other rotten things happening, I’ve been altering the AGT engine in some ways. Some of them are quite useful, here they are:
AGT can itself change text colors. This is good for “SanctuaryRPG Black” visuals. It is done by the game itself.
AGT can now handle three or more same-nouns in one place. So you can have a puzzle involving three or more cubes for example, where stacking them has different effects. This was done by allowing AGT to recognize different objects.
Worn items now count towards weight.
Worn items can now act as light sources.
Creatures can now act as light sources.
The quirk where a box can hold any number of items as long as none of them are too big is no more.
A trick where you can carry more weight than you should no longer works.
A new verb, Situate, to be used with ON only. This was an early effort to require specific prepositions.
AGT can now filter prepositions. If you have a solid bronze block pushed against a smooth wall on a marble floor you can have it so nothing can be put UNDER or BEHIND it. This can also be used to require a specific action, like putting a bob of bronze UNDER the stamp.
The ability for AGT to put something UNDER, ON, BEHIND, etc. something. This can be done by default but this also allows AGT to move something around in this way.
Fixing sloppy-looking text. This may have been because the programmers figured people were using 40-column screens.
A number of techniques enabling AGT to do more than the instructions indicate. For example, detailed descriptions of creatures are possible.