I am going to be honest here. Looking at this is like looking at opening a bank account.
What are my options?
Do I need this in my life?
Are there any bonus features?

Reggie Philis ( etc name please correct ) in his book breifly talked about "the culture". That got me thinking. His previous CEO positions and current ones, and taking a hard look at these products and where they are at now.

Dominos - is allowing marketing of Black ( African American ) + LGBT ( Homosexual ) inside an Anime.
Nintendo - new CEO basically is saying "We need more sales".

Back to the culture. When I see a woman who clearly needs to go to an eye-check-up, with her hair held back, and clearly is fat, living inside of a NYCHA building, making NYCHA complaints. I think why does this woman with some kind of "Anime-shirt" on have any sense to go to the doctor about her eye condition.

I apologize if I make somebody depressed.

What does this have to do with this PC-Engine machine. Granted yes it looks auwsome and I want it.

However the deal is this. I have a real PC-engine, and a real CD-rom system2, and back up save cards and devices. Granted yes in order to keep the saves inside the PC-Engine functioning you have to keep it plugged in 24/7 ( with that big "yamato" AC Adapter which I could use a smaller sine version of ). I own the physical copy of Castlevania and even purchase fake discs just to test them.

Here is the deal.

1) Make it look like a SNES/NES/Famicom design.
2) Make a licensed copy of thriller with the unlicensed version on the PC-engine
3) Make sure we can use an NES/SNES/Genesis, etc light-gun. Even if the gun has to use the wii-bar,
or Superscope, or the Master-system light-gun ( like with Zillion second controller ), or Saturn-light-gun
( like with Scud Disposable Assassin ), and make sure it could work with Triller.
4) Make sure their is a composite AV or RF out for this lightgun or Wii-bar plug-in for Wii-mote in light-gun mode, or even the SNES Super-scope RF ( Wii-bar same thing ?? ).

They ( whoever made this ) might as well make a Gunpei-express gaming system and allow us to play
Gameboy and Wonderswan games. Might as well include the ability to use NES and SNES, or even Genesis games, to PS1-PS3, and Saturn, 32X, and blah blah. See my problem here?

Okay you ( whoever ) made a game system. Yeaaahhhhhh!!!! I mean part of me would jump on this. I own PC-engine games and would like to play some Turbo games and the SuperGrafx all in one. Then
the other me says ( in the back of mind whispering )

"It is not the original hardware"

That is where I pull back. Giant Gameboy that looks like a gameboy I could hump like a dog or rabbit in heat. Okay ++ Sexy Slim Gameboy Koisk with BrainBoy backup features. Okay ++ But when you have another gameboy and another gameboy and no backup features for my pokemon. Why?

Insert Picardo Face-Palm

I see why somebody would buy this but right now I am comfortable with my current setup.
Ned Flanders would buy this for Ned Flanders reason, but I would rather be Moe on this one.