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Thread: Remakes that are more like Demakes

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Remakes that are more like Demakes

    I know somebodies product not my business, but I am a type of consumer. However I often
    find myself making the choice to step-back

    I have a problem with censorship. From sitcoms that airs a pilot and then
    changes wardrobes entirely to suite specific viewers, to media completely
    commiting or pretending that never happen. To usage of profanity
    to make something boring interesting.

    We as consumers could SJW this and make threads, send letters, and
    contact these people ( because that is what SJW do and why our media is being
    censored ) in order to preserve the media we enjoy. Not just "Okay when it gets
    released again you could be the first to purchase" mentality.

    Dragon Crown etc edition - Censorship to art
    Crash Bandicoot - They port perfectly on Tablets but the remake is a big no.
    Crash Bandicoot 4 - not a remake but some of the lines should not be presented. They turned bleh into a girl and bleh dressed like Storm in X-men whatever.
    FF7 - Aeris looks like somebody you loved twenty or more years ago and now got ugh face.
    In fact in Japan they talked about making it law to allow people to marry illustrations. Not new Aeris.
    The lack there off scenes in the R&R club. Barrets hairstyle again ( whatever ).
    RE3 - New Jill ugh
    Bioshock II port/ideal version etc - The candles is lesser quality among other tid-bits
    Zelda OOT - Green blood, Mirror shield missing, chanting gone.
    Zelda : Wild Part II - The gardener does less then what she did in the previous game.
    They made the game take-place before anything else and used time-travel to justify everything.
    RE4 EU port - Censored on release.
    RE4 remake - Censored words, censored outfits, bad voice acting
    Metroid Prime - ice cannon is not proper in Wii version, later versions have ugh targeting display/hud
    Mario RPG - animations missing, the typelogo, word box is not there, etc.
    Dead Cells - somehow put Castlevania inside of it. Like that Omusha game with cross-overs.

    Pokemon Electric Pikachu - Censored 3-4 times. From outfits, to body-augmentations. The horror continue. Can not find a decent anything of this anymore. Just censored censored censored.


    It is like what the Captain from Giligans Island: THe movie said
    "The skirts was below the knees before we left, then they went up above the tighs,
    and went back down when we came back home"

    I am not being nostalgic, I am just pointing out how they keep censoring.
    People keep consuming. It is like how "Punisher" arcade was missing
    sprites, ( like the kidnapping victims in the kingpin lair ).

    It is not even a 80's ending world. It is like some informercial that you was
    tricked into purchasing. Now you made that purchase you must be happy
    no matter what dispite you finding out "stuff was removed". It is not
    "It is what it is".

    Take "sexy-Jesus". Now they show him with a clean-cut-beard,
    trimmed hair, or "Superman" and "Batman" no-more tights but shorts. Why?

    This kind of method of thinking is making it's way into videogames.
    Same reason why we have no "Megas XLR" and ben-ten got glory that led
    nowhere and present no logic whatsoever.
    Last edited by Gametrek; 12-02-2023 at 05:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Peach (Level 3) Koa Zo's Avatar
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    not for censorship, but Metal Wolf Chaos is the first thing that came to mind.
    The graphics took took a dive in the newer version.

  3. #3
    Alex (Level 15) Custom rank graphic
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    Does Conker's Bad Fur Day count? It was remade as Conker Live and Reloaded for the Xbox and was somewhat censored from the original N64 version.

  4. #4
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Oh noes, censored boobs. My game is ruined!

    There's way more of an issued with modern games than to be bitching about censorship. If a flash of boob and ass missing is enough to turn you off to a game then you've got problems.

    The biggest issue with modern gaming is that everything has to be open world, everything indie has to be procedural. In both cases the amount of your time being wasted playing a game is monumental. I just cleared this area and got one minor HP upgrade, let me walk around 5-20 minutes to the next area. In procedural generation games, the biomes are barely different across the entire level that I get more enjoyment from just a straight repeated level. When you die, oh, great, now I have to start over and do all this shit over again because I have one single life. Remember that in Ninja Gaiden 2? When dying in the Tower of Latria sent you all the way to the very beginning? I sure as hell don't.

    Modern games now days have too much padding that even the procedural games that are good have way too much padding which just ultimately ruins the game. I got to the fourth boss, so clearly I need practice at this area, not to restart so it can take me an hour to get back here and allow myself a little bit of practice. Even RPGs like the Trails games and other Japanese games are just adding too much text where it's all becoming constant bloat, just to pad game time.

    This is the real issue with modern gaming. Not censorship. I could give a rats ass if there's some chainmail covering up the Amazon in Diablo 2, who gives a shit. That game is digital only so I won't ever purchase it.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 12-11-2023 at 11:30 AM.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

  5. #5
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    The problem with the X-box ( original ) is that it was all about getting people to use there PC for gaming, and not creating an actual "All American Gaming Experience", because it literally does not exsist and if it did, it was limited. Now people in my generation age range group are slowly chugging out that "world experience" that is not from Japan, and even make those companies Jealous.

    Most X-box games are terrible then there ports. If any X-box game that was released and actually
    held some sorta high-standards it would and will never be discovered at all, unless somebody makes a comparison video. like X-box v. X-box-emu v. Pc Port v. 360 v. One. The only proof of such oddities would have to exsist as with "Sonic Adventure" Dreamcast v. Ports. Which obviously was done on purpose.

    "Metal Wolf Choas" is completely off the grid, and along with "Conker" clearly attempted to push towards the "pro-military" crowd. Even Conker could have been an entirely new game but nope,
    they remade assets that did not need to be remade. As with the ill-forgotten Banjo-game Conker
    on the X-box could have been a new world, with more expansive lanes. Like "Conker: The Search for Berri not Barry" or something along those lines. That was just Microsoft or whoever abusing the license and ownership of the game itself. Look at Silicon Knights and there PSX master-work that got turned into a Thor-Norse-warrior mythological mess, which ended in a lawsuit.

    When I see "Metal Wolf Choas" I ask myself. I bet there is a Japanese game that is doing the same thing at a lower graphical resolution. Then I think "Custom Robo" and that game from the Sega-Saturn, but of course not to compete with this giant arena of buildings and people to crush as with "Godzilla destroy all monsters". Then somebody would look at me and say "So far I see no Megas XLR so I am playing this". Point being is the game is unoticed and those who have played or went through it possible target audience was people in the military at the time ( looking at Halo ), probably forgot about it entirely, or have moved on.

    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Oh noes, censored boobs. My game is ruined!

    There's way more of an issued with modern games than to be bitching about censorship. If a flash of boob and ass missing is enough to turn you off to a game then you've got problems.
    It is not just that it is anything. Why am I playing something that has features missing, or looks off.
    I did not pay to get something for less. I do have problems. So I have a specific eye, where I ask myself. Why hold back? If you are going to hold back then make sure the first release hold back.

    In terms of your reference. Clearly the art of master-blaster, and Rockman zero is completely ignored.
    However as a person who enjoys Manga and has evolved above that method of thinking, I expect to see the art-work being as free as possible. Not make it another "Dantes Inferno"?

    Why mention Dante Inferno? Back when that was being written you was not allow to talk about anything outside of god. You could not make any opinions, or write about other subjects, everything else was tabboo and you literally could and would be locked up and tortured. That kind of method of thinking is why Japan currently is attempting to make a law that requires the usage of an illustrators real name via publications rather then a pen-name. Why? The same kind of nut-jobs is why. If that law was a real thing in todays world, then we would never see anything or know anything beautiful. Including the writing.

    The biggest issue with modern gaming is that everything has to be open world, everything indie has to be procedural. In both cases the amount of your time being wasted playing a game is monumental. I just cleared this area and got one minor HP upgrade, let me walk around 5-20 minutes to the next area. In procedural generation games, the biomes are barely different across the entire level that I get more enjoyment from just a straight repeated level. When you die, oh, great, now I have to start over and do all this shit over again because I have one single life. Remember that in Ninja Gaiden 2? When dying in the Tower of Latria sent you all the way to the very beginning? I sure as hell don't.
    Again you have the choice to play the game the way you want to play. Take "Fallout" I could literally spend years roaming around the land, or just find loop-holes to sneak my way across to the final area,
    and do the bare-minimum to get the ending.

    Then you bring up "Ninja-Gaiden". In my opinion was more easy to enjoy then "Shinobi". That is part of the challenge of a sit in game. I remember the days when I would leave my NES on, go to bed, go to school, and come back home to get back to the save point and then boom I died. Or even die so many times not quiting just to finish the level. You want challenge like that? Then I suggest playing

    "Fear and Hunger 1 + 2". FAH1 is literally some kind of Gothic, midivil, HP-love-craft, shakesphare nut-show. FAH2 literally gives you a time limit between saves to get to the final point in the game and puts the idea above your head that you must kill your comrades. Then again the game questions me over and over, when all of this leads to a facing a "Supreme-Being of Jokes". So I literally have to not save and do
    everything on the first-round without getting killed. This is literally an RPG without the all the freedoms of safety of an RPG.

    It is your choice to pay and play what you want to and how you want to nowadays.

    Even RPGs like the Trails games and other Japanese games are just adding too much text where it's all becoming constant bloat, just to pad game time.

    Squaresoft can do whatever they want to do. Honestly between "Vagrant Story", "Front Mission" ( the live-action 2d side-scroller ), SE literally is doing the same exact thing they have been doing since day one. Octotrails literally looks like a PSX game only cleaned up with max graphics. That being said all of there games literally are the same game in the same world of a different time point. It is your choice to play them or not.

    I could give a rats ass if there's some chainmail covering up the Amazon in Diablo 2, who gives a shit. That game is digital only so I won't ever purchase it.
    Again that is not what I am talking about if you checked out some of the examples I provided.

    Take "Mario RPG" why not use a unique-font-base with the scroll like window? "Bioshock 2" why are those candles looks a lot better then the remake? "Sonic-Colors" again the 4K edition seems to be a downgrade or hassle with many bugs. "GTA:SA" ( or was it IV ) and the work-out room. That removed the full animations of the bodies working out and replaces it entirely with some special effect. Even the models that no longer looks like people but blocky-messes.

    When anybody make something. We should be able to do whatever we want with it. Take Xenogears on the Wii and PS2-USA port. The PS2 game removed scenes entirely changing dialog, the Wii game had different sets of costumes. Variant versions the dailog/script was censored as well.


    Because my little cousin is blushing to see something shaped like his mother in a bikini?
    Because we know they are talking about robots but they are shaped like people?
    Because we can not say ____ but we could have rambling profanity on display along product-placement.
    Because nobody will notice that the 2d or 3d actually looked better.

    Like omgsh we can not write "Super" "Princess" or even "King" or have a house that says "Pipe House"
    We have to dumb-it-down and put "Mario's House", when we all know that Mario has an entire island to himself with a castle, a helicopter ( like spiderman ), and some how manage to run a business in brooklyn, while maintaining the property tax values. Oh wait Nintendo sorta omitted that Plumber-Business and just decided to make him an "All around kinda guy" with no direction in life, and no foundation at all.

    Lets go into censoring the game creators. Nintendo literally ( they literally ) told Miyamoto to stop talking about your habits and things you enjoy. You know why? Because if parents and players ever
    found out that he

    Plays the Banjo
    Enjoys solving puzzles ( like rubix cubes )
    Is a draftsman that worked towards being a carpentor/construction.

    Maybe people would stop allowing their kids to play a game about a guy not doing his job outside of going down down pipes and chasing big-apes who takes his girlfriend up a tower for hours at end.
    Oh noes Pauline can not walk around in a cock-tail dress, that is at tigh-lenght with her hair flowing out the way it is, and have a cleavage. No we have put her in a 1920's dress, make her a singer, who just happens to be the mayor of some made up random town that does not exsist. Why not just intergrate the original Doki-Doki-Panic crew so we could have girl characters in burkas, which have the same figure
    as toadstool/Pauline but is a Burka.

    It is a world where we need to program people ( players / children ) to accept a censored work-place culture where we do not even say "Men and women" but "female and males". All the ladies dress up like if they are in a court-room, with bland-makeup, and their hair looks like it just was washed or a straighten/curling iron ran through it. There is no real place where anybody dressed up nice at all, just a bunch of mindless puppets taking smoke breaks. Because there lives suck so bad, lets produce garbage, because that is all they know how to do. Like a cat to catnip, or a crack/pcp/meth addict
    willing to do whatever just for that hit.

    I bet if everybody followed Disney example everybody would be happier. Nothing but angry non-European women who would rather be in a two-girl-one-dildo sandwich. Every man is evil, just not
    the dark skinned ones. Some how out of a miracle a pregnant women, on a motorcycle comes crashing
    into some kind of horrific biblical entity because somehow that bike does not crash at all and she survives everything. We should just Marie-Sue everything, from dailog, to events, and who could careless if I have to see bland graphics and every edge is blotted-out in darkness. Lets just hire the most pugliest actor because nobody knows what a ____ person looks like at all because our targeted audience is so alienated. That should be the future of Videogames as well. And He is Homosexual and
    she is Lesbiand, and the antagonists are all Heterosexuals, and granny half-naked with her DD-bra-strap can do Kung-fu better then any 15-25 year old person could ever do. We all get less of everything because otherwise it would not be equal pay.

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    Bell (Level 8)
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    I can skim some of that only-semi-coherant rambling but maybe it sounds like the problem is you gotta find stuff to whine about everything, I don't know? Maybe your opinion on life is the thing that's being demade, and you should really do something that. Think more positively about stuff.
    "Xenogears on Wii" Xenogears was not on Wii nor PS2, maybe at least get the game names right while it seems like you're looking for shit to complain about.

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