I realize the vast majority of people on the forum are into console games only, and mostly older games. But does anyone on here spend any time on a regualr day playing PC games as well as console games?

The PC gaming market is quite small comapred to the console one -- according to the IDSA's 2002 figures, only about 2 billion of the 12 billion that were spent on games. But I've always played PC games as much as, if not MORE then, console games. It seems the PC market has more 'fresh' and unique games to it. Not to say it does'nt have a lot of 'me also!' games (Good god, how many FPS's can we get????) but it's a heaven for small publishers who can sell their games cheaply as direct download.

Looking at the games I plan to buy the rest of the year, I see four PC games (Homeworld 2 being the next one due out) as compared to two GBA, one PS2, and one GC game.

Of course, I also suspect part of this could be my love for strategy/simulation games, something that has always done better on computers. But when it comes to RPG's, I never got into the PC style of doing that, with a few exceptions like Planescape: Torment and Morrowind. Weird how that just happened.

I'd urge anyone who thinks there are no 'good' games coming out these days to get a modern PC and see what you can get out there for either free or very cheap.