I swear I had posted in the thread before but apparently not!

My first console was the Mattel Intellivision II that my parents got me from K-B Toys in 1983. It seems like it was around summer. I had a grand total of three games for it and all of them were "Space" something. (One of them was the one with the overlays that had "triforces" on them and made "fart noises" as the AVGN put it...)

Someone mentioned before that most people's first console was also their favorite. While I liked the Intellivision and I enjoy playing Intellivision Lives! on Gamecube, it is far from my favorite. My favorite console is actually the third (if you count the Commodore 64 as a video game console...I know that's all I played on it!) one I got: the Nintendo Entertainment System. It may not be the system I have the most games for, but it is the one I have the most love for.