Before you answer this question, you would have to qualify in a number of categories.

1. You would have to have been alive during 1984

2. You would have to have been a Gamer during 1984

3. You would have to have been conscious of the collapse of the video game industry, during that year.

If you can answer yes to those 3 questions, then please, tell us what it was like to live during that time and go through that period in video game History.

I was alive during this particular time period, but I was only 14 years old at the time, and I wasn't really a "gamer". I think I had an Atari 800XL computer at the time and a old Atari 2600, but I didn't really use either of them much. I wasn't much into video gaming at that point in time. In 1989 at the age of 19, I became much more of a gamer, but in 1984, I really didn't know much of anything about any "Great Video Game Crash".

But I would be very curious to hear some stories from somebody that happened to be around in 1984, and was really into gaming, and was old enough back then to actually understand what the hell was going on in that Industry.

I'm guessing that you pretty much would need to be over 40 years old now, to even qualify for this.

Because you would need to be at least in your early 20's to really understand what was going on in the gaming industry.

Anyways, if anybody was old enough back in 1984 to really understand what the hell took place, then please give us some war stories about that time in Video Gaming.