A while ago (quite a while ago in fact), I found an old Mac LC-II at the thrift stores... for $30, the whole thing (with monitor) was mine. I've never been much of a Mac fan, but I figured the price was good enough. The machine has an 80MB hard drive, with about half of that free. Whoever owned it before me had already installed enough software to get online (assuming I had a modem), as well as Excel, Word and some other basics, so at least I have that going for me. Are there any other interesting programs or games that are worth trying out on this machine? I think it's running System 7.0.1, but there are some files that say 7.5, so I'm thinking the previous owner botched an upgrade attempt. Plus, the machine takes forever to boot up due to a ton of extensions that I'll likely never use, so I'm considering just wiping the hard drive and starting from scratch. Anyone got any advice?
