So today I get home from work around 10:30 and I grab the mail. After settling in I decide to open the package I threw on the couch expecting it to be something or another I ordered off ebay. Cut it open and I see a bunch of grey carts. I'm like what in the hell? I don't remember getting anything like this. So I pull em all out and they happened to be 6 super famicom games. NO IDEA how they got to me, or from where. It must have been someone who I had bought something from earlier and he misshipped them to me. I looked through my paypal history and saw no matching addresses or names.

Now I'm hoping someone on the site didn't misship them to me cause I have no use for them and do not want them at all.

What should I do with all these games? Sit on em for a while and see if the seller contacts me about a misship, should I sell em for profit? I could use the extra money but I have no idea what sfc games are worth, I don't really ever see them go for much. What should I do?