Wow.. I guess it was only a matter of time before others jumped in and decided to sell reproductions. Competition never hurt anyone.

Necrosaro420 is going to hurt a lot of people, and something has to be done about it.

A: Necrosaro420's web site



Case and point:

1) According to A: "I did not create the lables myself, I have provided a link at the bottom of the page to the authors sites." Yet there is no working link on the bottom. Worst yet, the downtown special label was stolen from B!

Any customer that buys a cart from A will think they're getting a high quality label. How can a label be high quality if its source is only a 100x177 jpeg image?

2) According to A, SMB2j can be reproduced. I want to see proof of this. Folks be careful. The SMB2j version that is out there does not work on reproductions. As far as I know, a special version of SMB2j was sent to B from the author and is the one being used. But if A really reproduced it, can he prove it? x_x

3) Apart from labels on carts and stolen images, can A prove the game actually plays on the real system?

4) What about the batteries in the games? A's web site lists 5 games that use batteries. Is he going to replace them if they die?

What protection to people have from scammers?

Yes.. you might think I'm posting this because I don't want the competiition.. but frankly I don't care. This is not my job. I work for a very high paying IT company as a C/C++ compiler developer and care less about starting my own business selling reproductions. I make 3 times more per hour at my day job than I do making these carts. It's a hobby for me.. nothing more.

The reason I decided to post this message is the same reason that Joe (DP) or Martin (NESWORLD) would if they found someone else stealing their work (my label and format), and using it to scam money out of people.

Many of you are aware of the costs involved in making reproductions. If Necrosaro420 can prove to us all that he's not a scammer, and that he really reproduced all the carts on his website than I will appologize for calling him a scammer right here.

But until that day, buyer beware!