I posted over at AA with a problem with my NES controller (original not dogbone), and I got some great replies, but I still can't get the darn thing to work. The problem is the D pad is acting up. It won't go to the right properly unless you push it down real hard and of course this gets tiring real quick. I've actually got a few controllers with this problem. I think it's because in a game you push to the right a lot more than any other direction and the controller is worn. I'm wondering if there is a way to fix it. I took the thing apart and completely cleaned it using alcohol and swaps to clean the contacts and also where they connect with the board, and still no luck. I tried switching the rubber thing around, making what was left now right, and it's still to the right that is the problem, so I'm sure it's the board that's the culprite. So, can I fix this? Or over time, are a lot of NES controllers out there going to be headed for the scrap heap. Thanks for your reply.