...Then I immediately went and bought Donkey Konga. Had to buy a used cube so I could get the component out. The best thing is my brother is off at college so he left me with all of his games like monkey balls, metroid, mario golf, some of the RE's, Zelda, blah blah. So the only thing that bums me out is that I have to pay $ 30 for the component cable as well as a couple of wavebirds. I have been putting off getting a gamecube but for $ 60 I can play Nintendo exclusives and all my old gameboy/advance games on the big screen. Sadly I've let my PS2 and Xbox collect dust as my classic gaming has taken control but I have a feeling that I'm going to get some mileage out of my gamecube. I'm pretty excited about four swords and I think my brother and a couple of friends and I are going to play through it over thanksgiving. I guess I'd rather be playing games than watching the Bears getting their asses handed to them in Dallas. Okay I'm done, just excited and wanted to share.