I wouldn't even bother collecting them anymore if it wasn't for the fact that they just keep getting more and more expensive. I really hate collecting for this system. I'm having to pay an average of at least $75 per game, which is bad enough in itself, but to make matters worse, the games totally suck ass!

Tempest 2000 rocks, and so does Ruiner Pinball, but I'm not talking about those games. I'm talking about all of the rare ones. Most of the Telegames releases are lame as hell, just like most of the Atari releases are, but at least most of the Atari releases are cheap as hell like they should be now. And the Songbird releases are even worse. I still don't have any of those yet, so I can't say for sure if they're lame or not, but I can say that their prices are really lame! They cost even more than the Telegames releases do, so if they suck ass too, I'm really gonna be pissed by the time I get all of those I need.

So I just got another $75 game that I'll probably never play again. I played it one time just to make sure that it worked OK, yawned my ass off silly, and cringed at how ugly the graphics were. The gameplay was atrocious, and I basically have yet another $75 dust collector added to my collection of more of the same. But hey, I have yet another one of the rarest Jag games now!

If you ask me, these games are rare because nobody wants to play them, and nobody in their right minds would pay as much as I did to buy them. They're not even really kinda cool, they're all just like OMG, that's it? I paid how much for this crap? Sheesh, I need to get my head examined, I think there's something seriously wrong with me. That's how bad they really are.

Now I know that I'm about to get attacked by an angry mob of diehard Jag fans, but seriously, how can you play all these games and not realize what utter shit they are? Give me an N64 game over this tripe anyday, I mean at least the N64 gave you $75 worth of quality when you paid $75 for a game!

And to think that I actually sold my N64 because the games for it were too expensive. I should've kept it and unloaded the black cat. But if it wasn't for Tempest 2000 and Ruiner Pinball and the VLM on the Jag CD, I would've. I hate to even think about the Jag CD too, there are no games worth having for it at all, so I basically bought the VLM which just happens to play Jag CD games also. How a system that costs so much to collect for can suck so bad is beyond me, but it sucks way more than any of it's few cool exceptions.

I would've called this thread "Jaguar games cost more than they're worth!" but the sad fact is that they are worth what they cost in market value, it's just that they aren't worth anywhere near what they cost in play value! So I guess I'm just another insane Jag collector, willingly subjecting myself to this masochistic ritual of paying way too much for a bunch of junk that I could hardly care any less about. What on earth possesses me to keep up with this system is as much of a mystery to me as it must be to everyone else who wonders why I bother. So let's hear it, Jag junkies, confess your own sins!

That's right, this is the thread where you all get to admit that you don't really like very many of the games either, and you only keep collecting them because it's such an outrageously trendy thing to do! It's kinda like buying a Saab. Everybody knows that they're ugly as hell, but they're so hideously expensive, you just have to have one! You know who you are. Speak up!