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Thread: Official Nintendo NES Thread

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    classicus carnivorous
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    Default Official Nintendo NES Thread

    In the Retrogaming Roundtable continuing series of classic system homage... let us discuss the system that brought video gaming back from the grave.

    I'd like EVERYONE who has ever played this system to give some input here, please.

    When the crash of '83 clobbered the momentum of video gaming, there were many skeptics who felt the whole thing was a "craze"... a "fad", if you will. Meanwhile in Japan, the Nintendo Famicom had already begun its juggernaut journey and was on its way to the US as the "Nintendo Entertainment System". Many of us who were part of the Atari generation didn't know WHAT to make of it. Many others grew up with their NES, one of the most endearing - and enduring - systems... ever. So tell me:

    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    - What are some of your other favorites?
    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    - How many games do you have for it?
    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    Go time! Have fun with this, but by all means, share your thoughts!

    NOTE: to jog your memory, here's our complete list of US games:

  2. #2
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Ahh Metroid, Dragon Warrior Series! and of course the Super Mario Brothers series!

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Who can forget the Legend of Zelda?

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    I once threw a nes controller at my wall makeing a dent in it when I kept dying in Kirby.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    Ahh, I was six years old... I idolized my older brother and I saw him playing the nes my mom had bought us and I thought to myself if he likes it, it MUST be cool and I've been an avid gamer ever since.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yeah I owned it untill I was like 9 and my brother sold it at a yard sale....stupid bastard. I re bought it in early 2000.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    One time me and my brother stuck out NES in the freezer because we thought it kept over-heating.

  3. #3
    Pear (Level 6)
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    What is your favorite game(s) on this system?

    Super Mario Bros 1, 3 (I played 2 first time on my GBA!), Operation Wolf, Bionic Comando, Jackal, Mega man 2, Othello, and of course Double Dragon!

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    At that time, I switched from the Inteli straight to the NES. It was very difficult to find a game that infuriated me. Heck, I loved them all! I loved going to the local video game store, and renting games with my brother and cousin. Best of all, was those birthdays where my parents took me and my brother to Toys R us and let us choose 2 games to call our own!

    The pinacle of it was when I got a 13" TV in my room for my 14th birthday.. OH MY GOD! NES in my room! Imagine that..

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action?

    My cousin got it back in 1988 and I really wanted one badly. In fact, I remember going to sleep one night crying because I found out my mom went out and purchased 5 games for my cousin, while we didn't even have an NES.

    Later on, I found out my mom owed he sister some money and so she paid her back through buying my cousin some NES games. When my parents found out how hurt my brother and I were over the incident, 2 weeks later we had an NES system with 7 new games!!! (which was quite expensive back in 1989).

    What game was it? What was your reaction?

    Like any 12 year old kid, ripping into a game just to get it out, and never bothered reading the manual, it was difficult to get some games to play, while others were great off the start.

    The easy ones were: Mega Man 2, Othello, Jackal, Mario Bros + Duck hunt.
    The hard ones that we only tried playing after a while were: Airwolf & Bionic Commando. Bionic Commando ended being my favorite for quite a while after we finished it!

    How many games do you have for it?

    My original system + games were sold off in the mid-90's in a garage sale. About 2 years ago, my brother purchased an NES system + 10 games for dirt cheap at a flea market. I was hooked!

    I now own over 500 games, dozens of accessories, about 5 systems (of which one is the top loader!)


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    Pac-Man (Level 10) omnedon's Avatar
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    I have an NES now, but that is a very recent change. THEN I had a SEGA Master System. I will likely never shake the feelings I have about the NES that I felt then:

    "Why can't I rent games for my system?"
    "Why am I having such a hard time finding a place that sells games for my system?"

    I realized, when a friend showed me SMB3 on his NES, that the NES was the shiznit.

    I like my NES now, and I historically appreciate it's significance. Nevertheless, to me, it's that "other" system. I'm late to the party, but hey, there's room for both on my huge gaming shelving.
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    classicus carnivorous
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    What is your favorite game on this system?

    It is, was, and always has been River City Ransom. It was the first NES game where I saw the personality of the system, wanted to finish the game, and continually go back to it, even with friends.

    What are some of your other favorites?

    I loved the Mike Tyson version of Punch-Out!! The coin-op was always a favorite of mine in the arcade (I own a Punch-Out!! and Super Punch-Out!! arcade cabinet). The first Zelda game is still fun to play, and there are a few dozen others that I'm always happy to play, including the revisited "classics" like Millipede, Joust, Gyruss, Galaga, Popeye, Xevious and Q*Bert. It's still kinda funny to see these games on THAT system, but what the hell. They're the goods!

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    I remember being quite surprised by the quality of some of the Commodore 64 games that appeared on the NES. "How did they do that on a cartridge"... games like Caveman Ugh-lympics, Three Stooges, Pirates! and Defender of the Crown leap to mind. Mind you, the system I was playing the most immediately before getting into NES was the C64.

    Infuriated? Yeah. Anything with the word "Mario" in it. FUCK! I suck at platform games!

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    I was in K-mart about a week after the system launched. The die-hard Atarian in me didn't really want to accept that a Japanese company had created a CONSOLE here in the USA, but a few weeks later I was back to buy the thing. Excitebike was my first NES purchase.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Yes indeed... and yes most certainly

    How many games do you have for it?

    About 600, but believe it or not, I'm not a "serious" collector. I pick up the boxed ones when I run across them, and just slowly work my way up over the years. It's been almost 20 years, folks.

    Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    I've owned all three Panesian games and have traded each of them away over the years. I'm not sorry. Like I said, I'm not a "serious" NES collector. They're better off in a completist's hands!

  6. #6
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    What is your favorite game on this system?

    I would have to say Kid Icarus. While I'm a big fan of Mario, nothing got me cursing, cheering, and going back for more punishment than the excursions of the little wing-ed Pit.

    What are some of your other favorites?

    The SMB series and both Zeldas are at the top of the list. Goonies II, Contra, Bionic Commando, Wizards and Warriors and Donkey Kong 3 float up to the top as well.

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    I would have to say Super Mario 2. Compared to some of the other titles at the time, it looked like I was playing a damned cartoon.

    Infuriated: Toss up between Ninja Gaiden and Battletoads. I wish Ryu could just f%#$&@ climb rather than wall jump to get up those pillars! And Battletoads-well, Rare games are sometimes like a journey into S&M. Painful to play, but still makes you go back for more.

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    Memory is a little foggy there. I know I saw commercials for it. The one that pops into my head is the Zelda commercial with the dude going around hollering "Zelda! Zeelllldaaaa!" while showing in game footage. I first saw a deck in action at a schoolmate's house. I just met him and invited me over to play Nintendo. He turned on the deck and inside was Mike Tyson's Punch Out. I was mesmerized. Never had I seen graphics like this on a home system. Then he let me at The Legend of Zelda. I remember the experience: it was like a fish being out of water. I fumbled with the control pad (was still an Atari player), trying to get used to using more than one button. Of course I died...a lot. But it was a taste and my life and outlook at video games changed that day.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Oh yeah. I still own my original deck. Had the pins replaced and it keeps on playin'.

    How many games do you have for it?

    While I love the system and its near and dear to my heart, I only have about 60 or so carts. I'm not a completest by any stretch of the imagination-I only collect games that meant something to me at the time I originally played them or that are the most fun. I too had the Panesian games, Action 52, Myriad multi cart but sold them/traded them for other stuff.

    Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    The only story I haven't shared (my devotion to Mario being one and the fact I bought the rare games mentioned above for only $6 a piece) was getting my Mom to agree with my purchases. She'd be mad that I would spend my money on a game, but then I'd let her play it, get hooked on it, and then all would be well. She'd also poke fun at me or act concerned when I talked games since "that's all I'd talk about" (though my half brother talked about fishing or sports, my Dad about computers, so in hindsight I had no idea what the deal was). The the twist: she never really played many games over the years-no time, no interest, what have you. Not too long ago I get a call at 9 PM saying that she got a Nintendo at a garage sale and she needed games (with urgency in her voice). I was there at 9:15 cleaning the deck. She now plays Kid Icarus on a regular basis and has me looking out for carts for HER. Gotta love it.

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    Pac-Man (Level 10) vintagegamecrazy's Avatar
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    Favorite game on the system

    I'll stick it out through thick and thin for Zelda 2.

    Other favorites are, Battletoads, which I can now say is easy, Mega Man 3, Tetris Nintendo, SMB 1 and 3, Galaga, Guardian legend.

    Games that wowed me, is SMB, playing that game was like being in heaven.

    Game that made me mad was, Mega man 6 dang that game suck, and Cobra Triangle, Addicting as heck but impossible, to this day I know no one who has beaten this game.

    I cant remember the first time or game I played for it, I got it for christmas of 92.

    A story dear to my heart.
    I was trying to buy Super off road, from someone in the neighborhood, but he couldn't find it when I paid him, so he gave me Zelda 2 instead, which at the time was very expensive. It seemed interesting but I didn't know what to think of it. At the time my dad was a big Nes player, and the game drew both of us towards it, even though we had no idea how to play it, because I had a loose cart, we didn't even know how to save the game, little by little we figured it out, the Shadow at the end was relentless, in the end my dad finished the game before me. That was both of our favorites, and to this day it is still mine forever to come.

    :starts to miss game again, frantically runs to closet, digs out NES and Zelda 2 hooks it up and plays for hours:
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    Kirby (Level 13) ubersaurus's Avatar
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    Fav games: Super Mario Bros. 3, Battletoads & Double Dragon, Sky Kid, and Mega Man 3. I played those to death as a kid, I swear. But mario 3 was tops, and still is.

    I was surprised quite pleasantly by Sky Kid. It didn't seem like much at first, but then i played it and realized how sweet this game was.

    Now Circus Caper, there was a POS. And Amagon, though super sweet, drove me insane!

    The first time was at my aunts, they were playing Super Mario Bros. I was blown away by the graphics, and the game itself rocked. I'll admit, though, it took me a bit to get past that first goomba

    Oh I had it back in the day...I still have the same console sitting in the basement, need a new connector. In the meantime, I use this top loader I also got back in the day. Same games as back then too. have about...110 games. I haven't been as active collecting for that as other consoles.

    There was that time my sister and I saved up for weeks to get mario 3 the day it came out, and ended up getting the second shipment the 2nd day it was out at toys r us...there's also some more stories in the video game story thread ;p
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Ninja Gaiden 2

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    All the Dragon Warriors, the Mario Games, the Zelda Games, and many, many more.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Surprised - Vice Project Doom, Kickmaster
    Infuriated - Total Recall and Ninja Gaiden 3

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    We rented it for the very first time back in 1986, It came with Mario and Duck Hunt. I had played Duck Hunt before at the arcades, so we played that first. Then we switched to SMB, and it became one of the greatest games i had ever played...

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Yes, got it for X-Mas back in 1987 with Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Excitebike, Hogan's Alley, and something else I can't quite remember.
    Yes, I own one today.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    Today, around 200 games. I did have 436 at one time, but sold them over the years.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    1. I remember finding and buying an Action 52 at a rental store for $7, back in 1995. (We soon got rid of it, I always remembered my dad saying he wanted $2 per game, but the place gave him $9.
    2. Our family had a chance to buy a multicart back in 1990 or 91, but we decided against it (Plus they wanted $200!)
    3. Buying a brand new Dragon Warrior 3 at Wal-Mart for $25, then trading my old one in for about the same price.
    4. We sold our first NES back in 1991 along with the 16 games we had for $200, so I could get an SNES the first day it came out. Soon, we traded that in and got an NES back.
    5. Getting a Top Loading NES back in 1993, and the TV made those stupid lines, so we took it back...

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    Apple (Level 5) Stark's Avatar
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    What is your favorite game on this system?
    Elevator action

    What are some of your other favorites?
    I'll have to agree with most that the SMB games were all good.
    I also liked Contra and Rush 'n Attack.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    I never had the NES back then. I had the SMS so I never played any of the games until the early 90's when I picked one up.
    I own one working toaster model today and will occasionally hook it up for Elevator Action.

    How many games do you have for it?
    Even though I don't play the NES much I am a game collector so I have about 50 US releases and maybe 15 or so Famicom carts.
    In my humble opinion the SMS was a better system than the NES.

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    Cherry (Level 1) jhd7's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Can't pick just one.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Bionic Commando, Super Mario 2, Zelda 2, Destiny of an Emperor, Tetris, Tetris 2, and Blaster Master.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Guardian Legend surprised me... I had thought it was a simple shooter. Same with Blaster Master. Infuriating? Easy: Little Ninja Brothers. It's a unique mix of action and RPG, but some of the fight scenes seem horribly unfair... like standing next to an opponent with him pummeling you, but your punches don't register on him. Baseball is also bad because of the lousy (and slow) fielding.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    The first time "in action" was after I had bought it. The game was Super Mario Brothers, and I was blown away by the size of the game and the hidden goodies.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Bought it in 1989 when others talked about how great it was. Until then, I thought Nintendo was crazy. After all, video games were dead!
    I eventually sold that unit in '92 when it started gathering dust. On a whim, I bought a used NES with 13 games for $50 in 1997. Haven't looked back.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    Too many. Over 800 including US, PAL, and Famicom releases.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Nothing special. But I'm looking for ideas on "hidden gems" that I can play next.

    Jeff D

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    FINALLY a thread for the God of gaming!!! THE NES!

    What is your favorite game on this system?
    Tecmo Super Bowl- holy shit I can play this games everyday of the year and not get bored with it. Everytime I come home from college my friends and I still play tournaments

    What are some of your other favorites?
    Wow I like so many games, ummmmmm... Dusty Diamond Softball, RC Pro Am II, Little Samson, Baseball Stars 2, Micro Machines, Gotcha, Uncharted Waters, Alfred Chicken, Blue Marlin, Bonk's Adventure, Crash and the Boys, Karnov, Shatterhand, MC Kids, Home Alone, Maniac Mansion, MC Kids, Monster Truck Rally, NES Open, Tengen Tetris, North and South, Pro Sport Hockey, Rally Bike, Soccer, MLB, Super Dodge Ball, Wacky Races, Flintstones 2, Super Mario Bros(the first one), and Mission Cobra.... these are just some

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    I was surprised at Tecmo Super Bowl, Micromachines, Home Alone, and MC Kids. Tecmo Super Bowl speaks for itself!! When I first had the chance to play Home Alone I told my cousin this game is queer, but then played it and was addicted. MC Kids was a little kid game and I was amazed at how fun it was. Micromachines was such a fun game and I did not think a game that was not licensed by NES could be so fucking good.
    I was infuriated with Wayne's World and Cyberball. Wayne's World sucked so much dick for a late release. Cyberball was just a shit game that I did not think was worth a fuck.

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    I went to my grandma's and went into the living room because I heard some music I never heard before and it was SUPER MARIO BROS. I was amazed because it looked so much better than my old Atari. My cousin got the NES for Christmas and I stayed there for like 2 days just playing Super Mario Bros. God it was a great moment.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yeah I owned this system back in the day, but then Genesis was released and I am sure you all, just like my dumbass, sold my NES to get Genesis. I went to a mom/pop game store and traded my NES and like 70 games for Genesis. Fuck what a rip off. To this day I am still pissed at myself!!!
    A few years back I got a NES at a rummage sale and thought "cool now I can get some of my favs and relive the memories." HAHA that was an understatement, now I collect NES and love all the memories of the past. Nothing is better than old NES memories, going to the gamestore every weekend to rent a game and saying fuck homework, going to buy a game for your birthday.... AHHHH NES is the best!!!

    How many games do you have for it?
    Well in about a year of collecting I have 729 of 772 of the US Released games(I do not consider Sachen a US release and do not collect variations). I think that is outstanding considering I am a poor college boy. I have most of the REAL RARE games but still need Myriad, Cheetahmen 2, and Peek a Boo Poker but they will come in due time!!!

    Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us
    Shit there are so many stories, but I will share a few.

    I remember one time my friend and I were playing River City Ransom and then went to another friends for the weekend. We rented Monster Truck Rally and took turns building tracks for the other 2. One of us would build a track and have the other 2 hide their eyes so they would not see how we were building the track. I do not think any of us got any sleep that weekend. Well my friend and I go back to his house and discover that WE NEVER TURNED OFF RIVER CITY RANSOM, so we sat down and played that!!!

    Another time my friend spend the night at my house and I was sick. We were playing MC Kids and were stuck on a board so I told my buddy I was going to sleep. I wake up a couple hours later and find out my friend found tons of secrets and was kicking the games ass!! Wow that woke me up!!

    When I was about 8 I first stayed the night at a friend's house. I was scared at first but then saw he has NES. We stayed up all night playing TMNT II and Simpsons vs the Space Mutants. We got to Shredder and got our asses kicked!!!

    The memories go on, and on..................
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    Ryu Hayabusa (Level 16) Raedon's Avatar
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    What is your favorite game on this system?

    My favorate game of all time would be Zelda. It killed the most time.

    What are some of your other favorites?

    SMB3, Kirby, Lolo, Rescue Rangers, Dragon Warrior 4, Metroid

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Oh man, Wizzards and Warriors, it drove me to throwing the controller for the first time in my history of gaming. Also the Ninja Gaiden series.

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    The first time was at Target with SMB. I wasn't that impressed with the NES at first because I had seen a demo of the Amiga beforehand.
    About a week after it was released a friend named Boe Martin got one with R.O.B. and Gyromite. I thought it was gimicky and was unimpressed. I started to be impressed with the NES because of the gun and Duck Hunt.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    I had an Amiga first having sold my C64 for the cash. I didn't get a NES until the first price drop. Mostly because my friends all had NES's and I wanted to trade games and Zelda was out and I wanted my own cart for saves. I still have that original NES.

    How many games do you have for it?

    Lord, probably close to 700 with the dupes. My collection is at the point where finding games I don't have is becoming difficult (or expensive)

    Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us

    To this day it amazes me what an impact this system had on so many people in the 80's. You could play the first half second of the opening to Zelda and most people 25-35 could tell you what it was without you telling them the sound was a game at all. I've run across people playing a NES at parties to this day. The system was the first that i saw that appealed to moms because of Dr. Mario and Tetris.
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    What is your favorite game on this system?

    Tecmo Super Bowl-for reasons I've stated over and over again.

    What are some of your other favorites?

    Kickle Cubicle, Super Dodge Ball, Little League Baseball, Bad News Baseball, & the Mega Man series.

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    I was surprised by how much fun some truly horrible games are. At face value, Double Dribble sucked beyond the strength of a Hoover, yet I play it all of the time. I was also surprised that I can play a game based on the Bible for more than 30 seconds (I like Sunday Funday a lot!). Mega man and Mario still have the ability to get me throwing the controller once in a while.

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    I played Skate or Die at a friends house, and LOVED it! We used to stay up until all hours of the night playing it, along with SMB & DH on weekends.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Actually, no, I didn't own one "back in the day." My parents didn't let me have one. My mom thought it was better for me to do things outside like play with fake guns and set the back yard on fire. But we DID have a Commodore, and my Dad had tons of games for it (including some weird German SMB clone), so I didn't miss out on games entirely. Plus, practically every kid in the neighborhood had one, so I'd just go over to their house if I wanted to play.

    I DO have one now, thanks to my wife. When we were dating in high-school/college, she gave me HER old NES, along with some games. I proudly plugged it in next to my SNES & N64, and now I own more NES games than anything else!!

    How many games do you have for it?

    I'm quickly approaching 300. I plan on getting CLOSE to all of them eventually, but I'm in no hurry. I don't have room for what I have right now![/b]
    NES, SNES, & Gameboy Collector

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    HAHA oh man Raedon just made me remember an awesome NES memory which just happened recently. I went to my best friend's house with the top loader and some games. I just got Bubble Bath Babes and took that with me. Well I get to my buddy's and hook up the NES and play some Tecmo Super Bowl... after a few games we go out to the kitchen to make some grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and go back to the NES and find my buddy's mom playing Bubble Bath Babes! She was addicted to the game because it was just like Tetris!! Holy shit we busted her because we kept telling her she was playing it to check out the 8 bit porn!!
    "Too bad no planes flew into MTV...
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    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Default Re: Official Nintendo NES Thread

    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    I still love Super Mario 3. I can go back to that game, sit down and play through it anytime.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Tetris, Dr. Mario, Super Mario 1.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    The first time I seen Super Mario 2 it was not what I expected whatsoever. I find it's an ok game, but I just can't get into it.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    The first game I ever saw on it was Super Mario 1, and I was amazed. It seemed so lifelike at the time. The only game I head ever really played up until that time was Donald Ducks Playground in the Schools C64 lab.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    My parents never bought me video games. Ever. Not even handheld video games. They were aftraid they would corrupt me or something. They always told me they were too expensive, yet went out and bought other equally expensive gifts, such as my first guitar, my keyboard, and my stereo. I finally bought my very first NES in 1996 when I first moved in with my (now) wife. Sold it, then bought another in 98. Now it's one of my favorite older systems.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    A quick look into Cart Commander tells me I have at least 115.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    My 'friend' who introduced me to nintendo was a horrible spoiled brat, not to mention a thief and generally a bad apple. Anyhow, I accidentally unlocked the white coin ship in SMB3, and he raided all the coins. A couple of days later, he unlocked the white coin ship, and started screaming at me not to get it, which of course I did. As soon as I got to it though, he pushed reset on the nintendo. He never did explain to me how to get it either. It really sucked.

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    Strawberry (Level 2) asharru's Avatar
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    I can't believe I totally missed this thread earlier today!!

    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Kid Icarus

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Metroid, Gumshoe, Zelda, Blaster Master, Iron Tank, Jackel, Excitebike, Goonies

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Metroid on both counts, first game I played for 24 hours.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action?
    What game was it? What was your reaction?

    Childrens Palace I think, it was in 87-88 maybe. I had played the play choice 10 system at Pizza Hut ever friday night when we went to pick up our pizza's.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Got it for my 14th birthday with Rob and the Blaster

    - How many games do you have for it?

    Currently, zero.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    Donno, but I probably spent more time on NES then any other system.

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    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    Ah! thanks Joe !

    Talk about a subject that i like and i know :-)

    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Contra and Tecmo Super Bowl both tied.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    SMB 1-2-3, RC PRO-AM Baseball Star, Double Dragon, Side Pocket,
    Kid Icarus, Arkanoid, Track & Field 2, Gold Medal Challenge,
    Rad Racer, Tetris (Nintend and Tengen), Faxanadu,
    Super Spike V'Ball, Metroid, TMNT 1-2, Castlevania 1-2-3,
    Operation Wolf, Micro Machine, Metal Gear, Snake's Revenge,
    Gun-Nac, Kung Fu, Zelda 1-2, RBI Baseball, Mike Tyson Puchn-Out
    The Megaman serie, Kirby, Lolo.

    All the classic "port", Donkey Kong, Pacman, Burgertime, they are
    well done and great on the NES.

    You see, apart Zelda, i never ever like the RPG stuff, Final Fantasy,
    Dragon Warrior, no...that's not my kind of game even today, i need
    action when i play videogames.

    - What games surprised you?

    RC Pro-Am: slow at star, getting really hard on the higher level (over 32).
    Gun-Nac: a surprizing good little shooter.
    Balloon Fight: great two players game.
    Space Shuttle Project: when you know how to control the shuttle
    it's a good game.
    Lone Ranger: good adventure game
    Rescue Embassy Mission: everybody know about CounterStrike these day but how about this little gem ?

    Infuriated you?

    Damn you Battletoads, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future !!!

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in

    action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    In a Canadian Tire, it was show with SMB, i was
    looking the first level demo i was like "wow, the
    graphic are unbeliveable, this will beat Atari"

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about


    Yes i own the system "back in the day" in 1987 and still today.

    My parent buy the "Control Deck" set at the Canadian Tire for 157,77 CA$ (the tag price still on the box today). The first game i bought
    with my own money was Zelda 2 and RBI Baseball. After 1990, i
    rarely play with my NES, the SNES was taking all the place.
    Around 1999 i started collecting games and NES goodies, so
    my videogames collection is 95% NES and 5% everything else.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    Near 200, but i'm a completist so i always look for complete
    or at least games with there box. So i'm slow to get the
    "high" number (like 500-600 games) but i like to have the
    game with there box, it's make a good display in a bookshelf.

    I have the Control Deck Set (SMB1), Action Set (Grey, Orange Zapper), Action Set (SMB3) and Deluxe Set (ROB), all boxed and complete.

    Dozen of joysticks, 2 ROB, Power Glove etc...

    Right now, the rarest game i have is Menace Beach, on the
    accessories side, the Hot Seat Game Chair and the Nintendo Service
    Center Joystick Test Box.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share

    with us?

    Beating SMB1 for the first time on a 13 inches B&W Curtis TV,
    i was playing that game for months and i always died
    in the world 7-1. When i finally pass under Bowser in the last castle,
    it was a big accomplisment for me.

    Start a game the morning, pause the game for the entire day, going to school and continue at night. I think everybody here did that.

    Beat Zelda 2 with every level at there maximum.

    At Phillyclassics 2, seen Joe with 1 of the 3 Panesian game
    in his hand i was like "good lord..." it was the first i saw a Panesian game !
    Oh eBay! you are such a pain, I am addicted to you like crack cocaine. You offer things I cannot find in stores,You are the pimp, and we are all your whores.

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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Zelda, Bionic Commando, Baseball Stars

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    SMB 3, Techmo Bowl (the first one), Darkwing Duck

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Surprised me? Baseball Stars, as it revolutionized baseball games by having a league play setup and the possibility to create your own team (and fire your players), all features that are common in today's baseball games.
    Infuriated me? I had a hard time playing SMB 2 and still does to this day. I'm rather skilled at the other Mario games, but when it comes to Super Mario Doki Doki Panic, forget it. I suck at it.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    It probably was in spring/summer 1987, when my best friend and I went to Toys 'R Us (it wasn't close enough to go there by ourselves, so his dad drove us there). All I remember is that the console (and games) were in a display in the middle of an aisle. I suppose that the displayed game was probably SMB.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    I did not own it back then, but my best friend and neighbour Seb did, so I spent countless hours in 1988 and 1989 playing the console in his living room. After a decade and a half, I finally own not one but two NESs (thanks to SlyDC). One works so-and-so, the other is great even though I tightened the tray too much when I cleaned the console.

    - How many games do you have for it?
    I currently have about 10 games, but I haven't gotten all my must-haves yet (Baseball Stars still eludes me).

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Seb got the free subscription to Nintendo Power (I don't know whether he still has his issues). I remember watching Seb demonstrating minus world 1 in SMB (when he was telling me about it, I didn't believe him). And when playing Baseball Stars, Seb would get his fun from firing his pitcher, doing his best Fred Flinstone imitation ("Out, out, ouuuuuuut!!!!!").

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    Alex (Level 15) boatofcar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Nintendo NES Thread

    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Much like many others, I've probably logged more hours in on Tecmo Super Bowl (hands down my favorite sports game of all time). However, my favorite game for the system is T&C Surf Designs.

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Final Fantasy (my first non-text-only RPG), Castelvania 2, Little League Baseball, NES Play Action Football (though I don't know why after trying to play it the other day), M.U.L.E.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    SMB looked so much cooler than anything I had on my Atari 1200XL. Peter Pan and the Pirates really made me mad, my mom used to pick up NES games for me when rental places would sell them (bless her heart) and I remember thinking it might actually be cool.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    Probably K Mart in 86 or 87, they had it set up by the checkout. SMB was in there, I just couldnt get over the scrolling screen. I wish I could go back to those days...those days...of wonder...(cue Wonder Years theme song)

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yep for both, but this year I opted to get a Super 8 instead of a new pin connector, with mixed results (see my "My Super 8 Ate My NES Game thread.)

    - How many games do you have for it?
    'bout 70.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Nintendo was the biggest part of my life from the age of 6-12 or so. I didn't get one until I was 9 or 10, so I was always going over to my friend Amber's house to play. She was always playing RPGs and she'd never let me play, but I'd pour over the FF strategy guide and look up hit points for monsters and stuff. It was good enough for me just to watch. I actually started subscribing to Nintendo Power *before* I got an NES.
    I didn't get an NES till the summer of 89 or 90, pretty near the introduction of the SNES, and I continued to be behind the curve until I got a N64 the year it came out. For some reason though, even though I had it, I still felt behind the edge of technology after I saw the PS. Now, though, I wish I'd gotten a GC instead of a PS2, especially shopping the day after Thanksgiving and seeing all those $49 DVD players, but I digress...


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