You'll find that you will "rewrite" your stipulations as far as collecting goes.

I live in a small city, and I've done remarkably well as far as completes go, for the access that I have. I like my Genny stuff to be complete, but I'm not that much of an avid Genny collector. NES? I don't collect it, so loose is okay and it's how most of it appears in the wild. N64 is what I do collect and I insisted on completes in the past....but there are a few games that I'm seeing everywhere as loose carts, but nowhere as completes. I think that I'll pick up those loose carts, and look for completes as they show. My main goal is to own a complete secondary goal would be to have them as completes.

Same with Dreamcast. For my disc systems.....ALL discs must be mint, no scuffs or scratches. However, nearly every damned Dreamcast disc that I'm seeing in the wild has been roughly my Dreamcast collection will be the only one that HAS scratched discs in it, out of pure necessity.