Wow. That's the best way to describe it.

I finally got around to putting in some time with Z.O.E. 2 after a marathon play-through of the first one. The first Z.O.E. was really neat, despite its shortcomings. Way back when it was released, I felt that it was the first PS2 game to really feel "Next Gen" and was annoyed that so many people bought it simply for the MGS2 demo. I just never got around to finishing it with so many games to play. It has aged better than expected, but the second one is totally mind-blowing.

The graphics are some of the best I've seen on the PS2. Sure, there is some slowdown when there are lots of enemies on the screen, but the particle effects, subtle cel-shading and breakneck pace are truly incredible. I couldn't believe that there were XBox-level graphics coming out of my PS2. I recently played through Panzer Dragoon Orta, and must say that Z.O.E. 2 gives it a good run for its money. Also, the cinema sequences are all Anime, and so much better for it. I thought Robotech Battlecry was cool, but this is astounding.

So, even though I'm sure that many of you have already played Z.O.E. 2, I need to give it my recommendation. It is one of the coolest action games I have had the pleasure of playing.

And, it is always fun to unearth a hidden treasure in your own collection.