Most of the custodians here where I work are people struggling to make ends meet. There is one lady in particular named Sandra who has been here almost as long as my wife and I have. She has two kids, Pablo, age 8, and Miguel, age 5.

Last year, Sandra went on a road trip to Mexico. Somewhere in the middle of Texas she had a blowout and swerved off the road. Her truck rolled several times. Pablo ended up in ICU but is okay now. Her brother and cousin were both killed. Now Sandra's family is suing her for the accident, saying she fell asleep at the wheel and caused the accident. During this time her family called her collect from Mexico a ton, and she ended up with an $800 phone bill she can't pay either.

To make a long story short, Sandra was talking to my wife about Christmas and she said basically her kids weren't getting anything this year. When Susan asked her what they wanted all she would say is they need some new clothes. About a month or so ago, I was talking to her because she saw a picture of my gameroom and she mentioned that her kids really wanted a Gamecube but that she could never afford one.

Anyway ... I was just kind of poking around here to see if anyone had one they would let go pretty inexpensively. If someone has a GC that's collecting dust or has a store that could get me a good deal on one (or even better, write it off), let me know. If someone comes up with a 'Cube, I'd be willing to buy 4 or 5 games, and I've got an extra controller as well.

Just thought I'd throw this out there.