I've been meaning to finally get my pics taken and up online, well now there here. Joe feel free to post every one of these in the game room pics lin. Some may have more games than me but I definately spent a while setting up the corner where my mags and posters are hanging. One pic is posted sideways, all the rest would edit on photopucket but that one?

This view is right from the entrance to my room and it is to the right half of the room, the entertainment center is in the center and the right wall has three book cases the left side has my dresser, bed and plastic drawers. The pic below is the left half of the room.

Immediately to the right of the door is most of my magazine and poster collection, more are scattered around the room, notice the turtles poster and the Maximo decal above the doorway, on the lower half is my starwars novel collection.

Above are the pics of the shelfs on the right wall, the top is the masterpiece with all of the lava lamps and the displayed consoles.
Below is inside the doors in the middle shelf.

The pic below is to the left of the entertainment center which has some disc based games and more posters.

Below is inside of the dresser and the drawers to the left.

Below is above the bed (sorry for the sideways pic)

Below shows my currently hooked up Vectrex, more posters, my spinning display showcasing some of my rarities and below is more drawers housing my classic computer and atari games.

And last but not least a shot of my closet (fairly organized mind you) filled with the rest of the game stuff, there is still more under the bed though.

Well there you have it, comments anyone?