- My name is Ben B
- I'm from Minneapolis, MN
- heard on some other games site post that DP was the place to go for retro gaming
- My favorite games are Super dodgeball, super metroid, pretty much all the zelda games, turtles in time, Contra, Mega man X and i know i lot of people are gonna hate on me for this but i can't deny world of warcraft ( char:chemdawg, server: winterhoof)
- the systems i collect for are mostly nintendo one's,mostly NES and SNES i really grew up on nintendo, loved sega too but nintendo just seemed to always hold a special place in my heart (lame i know lol)
- I'm a college student majoring in Human services
- Grew up on games, was a gamer until i got to highschool and learned about the wonders of drugs and sex and kinda just forgot about games, but as of recently when i was moving i found all my old games in some boxes remembered all the good and bad times i had playin these games, poped in a few games and fell in love with them again. i collect these games now to play them, not just to collect them, cause thats how this started. My collection didnt start as a collection, i just loved to play games, i quit for a while and come back to find i have a pretty decent collection in the making and didnt even know it. so im a noob to this retro game collecting, but noob with a pretty good start atleast.