Currently residing in Montréal and hailing from the cold northern nights I am known by one of two names - Asplagis or Zettaijin.

I was a member of the old EzBoard version of the DP message board but failed to make the switch over to the new version out of a lack of time.

Seeing as the owner and operator of DP is a pretty spiffy fellow who came to post over on VALIS more than once, I figured I owed him. Thus, I'm back with my own brand of peculiar analysis of videogames and related issues (i.e. VR/Polygons vs. 2D/representation; a certain lack of creativity in the current video game world due to the oversaturation of capitalist think tanks within the industry).

As far as videogames go, I'm quite fond of the Super Fire Pro Wrestling series as well as many more obscure Japanese SNES titles such as Clocktower and Demon of/Diable de LaPlace. I also enoy a good RPG from time to time, though I find that too many are overlooking the potential for politically charged storylines such as those found in game like Fallout II and its obvious but still interesting anti-U.S./Bush stance.

Outside of videogames you'll find me discussing Marxism, Anarchism as well as other political theories, defending non-essentialism and deconstructing reality - that's when I'm not running from riot gear-clad policemen/women during a protest.

I also happen to to enoy Dario Argento and David Lynch movies and my musical tastes are odd to say the least...

Any other questions?