Hi everyone!

My name is Monty Singleton. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I found the forums via Google. My favorite arcade game is Ghosts 'N Goblins and my favorite NES game is: The Legend Of Zelda. Second favorite for both platforms, Super Mario Bros. I have a small but well displayed collection for the NES and I collect a LOT of arcade stuff. For example, I had a guy disassemble a Stun Runner marquee and ship it to me. The control panel for After Burner and Terminator 2. After Burner control panel weighed like 30 pounds! Items that required tools and an hour or so to remove and expensive to ship. In real life, I'm on a mission to take my passion for arcades and reimagine them for future generations. Our first project is Ghosts 'N Goblins. Good to meet everyone here! Thanks.

Monty Singleton