Hello all..I'd like to introduce myself to the community once again as I signed up before and never really got into it. This time, I am really looking forward to getting involved.

Who you are
My name is Brian and I am 35 Years Old

Where you live
Pittsburgh, PA

How you found the forums
Re-found this forum searching and listening to the Roundtable Podcast..which is best on the net..

What your favorite games are
RPG's of all era's (Playing Soulblazer right now) and also LOVE Quest for the Rings (Odyssey 2)

What systems you collect for
I currently collect hardware and will get seriously into software / carts / etc... once I get the hardware done.. I collect what I dont have..here is what I currently have:


Home Built 286 / 386 / 486 / P1 - P4 Machines
Tandy 1000SL (8086)
Atari 400
Atari 800
Atari 800XL
Atari 1040Stf
Commodore VIC-20
Commodore 64
Amiga 500
Amiga 2000
Apple IIe
Apple IIgs

Gaming Consoles

Magnavox Odyssey 2
Atari 2600 (4 Switch)
Atari 2600 Jr
Nintendo NES
NES Top Loader
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo Wii
Sega Master System
Sega Genesis Model 1 / 2
Sega CD Model 1 / 2
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
XBOX 360
Sony Playstation
Sony PSOne
Sony Playstation 2
Sony Playstation 3

What you do in "real life"
I am a Senior System Administrator in IT as well as mess with Electronics, fixing consoles and controllers...

Any other interesting facts, like how you began collecting, etc.
After finishing up my Wrestling VHS / DVD / Video Files collection for all the shows and PPV's I wanted (84 - 2003) I looked and I had all I wanted (I still look for new stuff). After finding the AVGN videos and the Roundtable Podcasts.. it brought back a good memory of gaming. I decided I'd collect all the consoles with the hopes of setting them all up and having a great gaming center as well as great show piece.
Really looking forward to this.