What do you think?
will it happen? could it happen? what are the chances?
I think there is a good chance of this actually happening if Nintendos Revolution is a failure or if the big N comes in at #3 once again.
While its very unlikely that Sega would ever venture out on their own again as far as home consoles go I think the possibilities of them combining and/or collaberating with a company like Nintendo or even SNK/Playmore are endless.
Of course this is all speculation and wishful thinking but they could even release a Niche system similiar to the Neo-Geo.
Also I think Nintendo would work with another company whether it be exclusivity, co-creating developing/publishing a new game system before completey bowing out of the console race.
and seeing as most of Segas games have been more successful on the Gamecube I think theres a 50/50 chance overall.