I'm not sure if anyone has done this before, but what is your Worst Video Game Experience? It can be anything, your file getting deleted, your games getting stolen, Laughing so hard while playing you crap your pants, and any other bad expeiences that may have happened to you, post it here!

Here are a few of mine:

I was playing "Ancient Empires" on my PC, when I made it to the Final Chaimber
in Expert Mode! I was haveing trouble, so I took a break. A few weeks later, my
PC would not turn on! I checked every last connection, and it was fine! Now
because my PC is dead, I'm going to have to start it over again!
I was playing "Super Mario Bros." on my NES, and had made it to the 3rd Level, when my NES cut off! My NES AC Adaptor had a problem with getting loose and cutting off, and because of that, I lost a very good scopre and had to start from World 1-1!
Go ahead, post your worst experinces!